levylabpitt / Transport

VIs for scripting and performing transport measurments.
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Control Experiment: XML #46

Closed ciozi137 closed 2 years ago

ciozi137 commented 2 years ago

Saving a class to XML is a hazardous operation, best summed up by "don't do it." We have been living dangerously for a long time and changes made in SMO have made us face reality.

  1. bad idea to flatten directly class unless it is purely byValue.
  2. If it is, then best is to use a Serializer specifically for your class.
  3. If it is ByReference, you absolutely need a flatten/unflatten method
  4. If it is a mix of ByRef/ByValue (like SMO), I suggest you consider it as a ByRef object.

Base Class ==> Flatten.vi and Unflatten.vi (or Marshal/Unmarshal, or Serialize/Deserialize)

If it works with NI-XML, go for it... but be prepared to have a second-try on error, which would be to do it class-by-class. Each class overrides the parent method and serializes to known format.

--- Francois Normandin

Even though all of the LevyLab SMOs are byValue (as of 1/2022), SMOs are a mixture.

I propose we abandon flattening altogether and pass metadata out of Control Experiment.vi after first stripping the classes themselves. Replace this existing code: image

With something like: image image