lewa-j / Unity-Source-Tools

Plugin to import resources from the Source engine in Unity3D.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[Suggestion] v37 (HL2 Leak) Models #32

Open Fronkln opened 5 years ago

Fronkln commented 5 years ago


Header data related to v37 models

Fronkln commented 5 years ago


UAVXP commented 4 years ago

Hello. LeakNet repository has been DMCA'd, but if you need an access to a new repo - just DM me.

Fronkln commented 4 years ago

I am currently working on my own MDL loader to learn the technical aspects of Source engine

studio_h in v37 has 12 extra bytes right after localanim.

animgroup count animgroup index

bonedesc count bonedesc index

then the studio_h struct continues just like v45 (localseq)

antim0118 commented 4 years ago

Possible structs (also check studiohdr_v36_t): https://github.com/UAVXP/LeakNet-SDK/blob/not-supported-anymore/public/studio.h#L1177 https://github.com/andrewbaay/LeakNet/blob/master/public/studio.h#L1177

Fronkln commented 4 years ago

One issue with v37 is that everything(including vertexes) are inside the MDL file, i don't know how or where they are stored though

Fronkln commented 4 years ago

They are found on struct mstudiobodyparts_t

Fronkln commented 4 years ago

numbodyparts, bodypartindex = leads to mstudiobodyparts_t structs