Hi @lewdlime, I see you haven't updated this in a while, but with many graphical ABC converters barely holding on (i.e. EasyABC) or no longer available (concertina.net), I figured I'd give this a try.
Running on Sublime version 4180, I get the following error when I try to load up a *.abc file in the Sforzando ABC Notation syntax:
Error loading syntax file "Packages/Sfortzando/Syntaxes/ABC Notation.sublime-syntax": Apparent recursion within a with_prototype action: 25000 context sanity limit hit
I don't know enough about the Sublime plugin system to try to debug it myself without some serious research. Maybe you have some idea what's going on here?
Hi @lewdlime, I see you haven't updated this in a while, but with many graphical ABC converters barely holding on (i.e. EasyABC) or no longer available (concertina.net), I figured I'd give this a try.
Running on Sublime version 4180, I get the following error when I try to load up a *.abc file in the Sforzando ABC Notation syntax:
I don't know enough about the Sublime plugin system to try to debug it myself without some serious research. Maybe you have some idea what's going on here?