lewis6991 / gitsigns.nvim

Git integration for buffers
MIT License
5.01k stars 189 forks source link

`stage_buffer` can leave unstaged part #1025

Open przepompownia opened 4 months ago

przepompownia commented 4 months ago


I found unstaged new line deletion after staging new empty buffer with stage_buffer subcommand. At the moment I cannot explain myself how nvim or gitsigns can cause it.

No .editorconfig in working directory.

Neovim version


Operating system and version

Debian Sid

Expected behavior

It seems that git diff output on such file should be empty.

Actual behavior

 $ GIT_PAGER= git diff -- new2
diff --git a/new2 b/new2
index 8b13789..e69de29 100644
--- a/new2
+++ b/new2
@@ -1 +0,0 @@

Minimal config

local thisInitFile = debug.getinfo(1).source:match('@?(.*)')
local configDir = vim.fs.dirname(thisInitFile)

vim.env['XDG_CONFIG_HOME'] = configDir
vim.env['XDG_DATA_HOME'] = vim.fs.joinpath(configDir, '.xdg', 'data')
vim.env['XDG_STATE_HOME'] = vim.fs.joinpath(configDir, '.xdg', 'state')
vim.env['XDG_CACHE_HOME'] = vim.fs.joinpath(configDir, '.xdg', 'cache')
local stdPathConfig = vim.fn.stdpath('config')

for _, env in ipairs({'XDG_CACHE_HOME', 'XDG_STATE_HOME', 'XDG_DATA_HOME'}) do
  vim.fn.mkdir(vim.env[env], 'p')


local function gitClone(url, installPath, branch)
  if vim.fn.isdirectory(installPath) ~= 0 then

  local command = {'git', 'clone', '--', url, installPath}
  if branch then
    table.insert(command, 3, '--branch')
    table.insert(command, 4, branch)

  vim.notify(('Cloning %s dependency into %s...'):format(url, installPath), vim.log.levels.INFO, {})
  local sysObj = vim.system(command, {}):wait()
  if sysObj.code ~= 0 then
  vim.notify(sysObj.stderr, vim.log.levels.WARN)

local pluginsPath = vim.fs.joinpath(configDir, 'nvim/pack/plugins/opt')
vim.fn.mkdir(pluginsPath, 'p')
pluginsPath = vim.uv.fs_realpath(pluginsPath)

--- @type table<string, {url:string, branch: string?}>
local plugins = {
  ['gitsigns'] = {url = 'https://github.com/lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim'},

for name, repo in pairs(plugins) do
  local installPath = vim.fs.joinpath(pluginsPath, name)
  gitClone(repo.url, installPath, repo.branch)
  -- vim.opt.runtimepath:append(installPath)
  vim.cmd.packadd({args = {name}, bang = true})

  debug_mode = true,
  attach_to_untracked = true,

Steps to reproduce

Inside some Git repo

  1. nvim --clean -u minimal.lua new2
  2. :Gistigns stage_buffer
  3. quit or suspend nvim
  4. GIT_PAGER= git diff -- new2

Gitsigns debug messages

attach(1): Attaching (trigger=BufReadPost)
run_job: git --no-pager --no-optional-locks --literal-pathspecs -c gc.auto=0 config user.name
run_job: git --version
run_job: git --no-pager --no-optional-locks --literal-pathspecs -c gc.auto=0 rev-parse --show-toplevel --absolute-git-dir --abbrev-ref HEAD
run_job: git --no-pager --no-optional-locks --literal-pathspecs -c gc.auto=0 --git-dir .../.git -c core.quotepath=off ls-files --stage --others --exclude-standard --eol .../new2
watch_gitdir(1): Watching git dir
get_show_text: no revision or object_name
cli.run: Running action 'stage_buffer' with arguments {}
run_job: git --no-pager --no-optional-locks --literal-pathspecs -c gc.auto=0 --git-dir .../.git add --intent-to-add .../new2
watcher_cb(1): Git dir update: 'index.lock' { rename = true } (ignoring)
watcher_cb(1): Git dir update: 'index.lock' { change = true } (ignoring)
watcher_cb(1): Git dir update: 'index.lock' { rename = true } (ignoring)
watcher_cb(1): Git dir update: 'index' { rename = true }
run_job: git --no-pager --no-optional-locks --literal-pathspecs -c gc.auto=0 --git-dir .../.git -c core.quotepath=off ls-files --stage --others --exclude-standard --eol .../new2
run_job: git --no-pager --no-optional-locks --literal-pathspecs -c gc.auto=0 --git-dir .../.git apply --whitespace=nowarn --cached --unidiff-zero -
watcher_cb(1): Git dir update: 'index.lock' { rename = true } (ignoring)
watcher_cb(1): Git dir update: 'index.lock' { change = true } (ignoring)
watcher_cb(1): Git dir update: 'index.lock' { rename = true } (ignoring)
watcher_cb(1): Git dir update: 'index' { rename = true }
run_job: git --no-pager --no-optional-locks --literal-pathspecs -c gc.auto=0 --git-dir .../.git show e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
run_job: git --no-pager --no-optional-locks --literal-pathspecs -c gc.auto=0 rev-parse --show-toplevel --absolute-git-dir --abbrev-ref HEAD
run_job: git --no-pager --no-optional-locks --literal-pathspecs -c gc.auto=0 --git-dir .../.git -c core.quotepath=off ls-files --stage --others --exclude-standard --eol .../new2
run_job: git --no-pager --no-optional-locks --literal-pathspecs -c gc.auto=0 --git-dir .../.git show 8b137891791fe96927ad78e64b0aad7bded08bdc
lewis6991 commented 4 months ago

Very nice report and repro steps 👍

lewis6991 commented 4 months ago

I'm not sure this is a bug. Nvim cannot display buffers with no lines as the cursor needs to go somewhere. When you run stage_buffer you are going to stage at least 1 empty line, however when you save the buffer, since their are no modifications, the newline doesn't get written. If you insert a character, save, remove, save again, the file will be saved with 1 empty line.

przepompownia commented 3 months ago

…but how to explain deletion?

I tried to reproduce it again and noticed one missing assumption: empty file new2 exists - otherwise GIT_PAGER= git diff -- new2 shows empty output.

It seems that if the buffer contains nothing or some white character but the corresponding file is empty, the result of stage_buffer should be addition or nothing.