lewisdoesstuff / bento-next

A fork of Bento written in Vue 3 with TailwindCSS and Typescript
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Dark/light theme selection doesn't react when the OS setting changes and changeThemeByOS is set to true #1

Closed Kernald closed 1 year ago

Kernald commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug When changeThemeByOS is set to true, Bento is opened and the OS changes theme, Bento doesn't react like most websites using prefers-color-scheme do. Refreshing the tab works.

To Reproduce

Expected behavior Bento should dynamically change theme to match the new OS settings.

Screenshots N/A

Device Details (please complete the following information):

Additional context N/A

lewisdoesstuff commented 1 year ago

Heya! Thanks for this,

Just pushed a commit to fix this, I wasn't calling the function to update the theme when the color scheme preference changes.

Should work fine now (Tested on Linux w/ Chrome), but let me know if you get any issues :)

Kernald commented 1 year ago

Sadly, this seems strictly worse on Firefox - even loading the page after having changed the theme seems to not do anything anymore, I'm always getting the light theme (using Nord, on Firefox/Linux). Interestingly enough, this seems to work as intended on Firefox on Android...

lewisdoesstuff commented 1 year ago

Ah, fantastic.

That's definitely a little strange, I'll try this out in Firefox after work tomorrow :) Reopened for now.

Kernald commented 1 year ago

Just to add: I've got a slightly different behaviour on Firefox + macOS: I always get the light theme, regardless of the OS/browser settings. Chrome and Safari on macOS both behave like Firefox on Linux: they load whatever the settings currently are, but don't react to changes dynamically.

lewisdoesstuff commented 1 year ago

That's bizarre behavior, i didn't think color preference varied between browsers/OS.

Shouldn't be an impossible fix though

lewisdoesstuff commented 1 year ago

Just done some further testing here:

I'm on KDE, and can't seem to find a global light/dark mode toggle, at least not one that the browser cares about, but,

I've had a few people test this on Windows with Firefox and Chrome, and this seems to work okay, respecting the OS theme toggle. I tested Chrome on Android as well, and that seems to work fine.

Can you let me know if your Firefox theme is set to Automatic, or Dark? It looks like this overrides the prefers-color-scheme setting that the OS provides.

If you're on automatic, can you open devtools and use the light/dark mode switch there? This should work. Even though there shouldn't be a difference, could you also try it on my install? https://dash.lew.ooo

Kernald commented 1 year ago

Oh well, this just keeps getting weirder :-)

Can you let me know if your Firefox theme is set to Automatic, or Dark? It looks like this overrides the prefers-color-scheme setting that the OS provides.

It's set on automatic. Other websites (e.g. GitHub) change fine.

If you're on automatic, can you open devtools and use the light/dark mode switch there? This should work.

It doesn't. :-/

Even though there shouldn't be a difference, could you also try it on my install? https://dash.lew.ooo/

It works fine there. I'm really not sure what's the difference. For what it's worth, I'm using the Docker image (I have e17ba885b833c52bf2af5eb982dbb2bbe263ff2d working so I assume 3b6a3f242cf71ea54f8dbb577b265f1ab79c5544 is also available in the image I'm using).

I also tried changing themes (I tried, nord, bento and solarized), just in case it was an issue specifically with one, no difference.

lewisdoesstuff commented 1 year ago

Hmm, thanks for trying!
It seems like it's not responding to browser preference changes at all, which is the issue I originally had before patching; as you've got the commit to disable components there's no reason this shouldn't work, though.

Could you send over your config.js (with OWM API key removed), and also the output of JSON.stringify(localStorage) run in the DevTools console on your Bento install?

In the meantime, if the pre-patch worked better, you could cherry-pick e17ba88 and build a docker image from that if you'd like.


Kernald commented 1 year ago

Hi, sorry for the delay.

JSON.stringify(localStorage) returns an empty object ("{}").

Here's my config file, with the following changes:

//    Bento-Next
//    Config file
//    https://github.com/migueravila/Bento - upstream
const CONFIG = {
    // ┌┐ ┌─┐┌─┐┬┌─┐┌─┐
    // ├┴┐├─┤└─┐││  └─┐
    // └─┘┴ ┴└─┘┴└─┘└─┘

    // General
    name: "Marc",
    openInNewTab: true,
    title: "Bento",

    // Clock
    twelveHourFormat: true,
    flashSeparator: false,

    // Theme
    theme: "nord",
    imageBackground: false,
    imageUrl: "background.jpg", // place in ./src/assets/images/ and provide the file name. Alternatively, provide a URL to an image. If the page is served over https, you may have issues loading images from insecure origins.
    themes: [   // List of installed themes, add your own themes in ./src/assets/css/themes and include it in the array below.
        "conceptdark", // dark mode only

    // Search Bar
    searchBar: true,
    searchEngine: "google", // google, ddg
    barStyle: "bento", // bento, minimal, boxy, rounded
    barPlaceholder: "", // if blank, use search engine name. Set to ' ' for no placeholder.
    autoFocusBar: false,

    // Greetings
    greetingMorning: "Good morning,",
    greetingAfternoon: "Good afternoon,",
    greetingEvening: "Good evening,",
    greetingNight: "Sweet dreams,",

    // Layout
    bentoLayout: "bento", // 'bento', 'lists', 'buttons'

    // Weather
    weatherKey: "", // Write here your API Key
    weatherIcons: "Nord", // 'Onedark', 'Nord', 'Dark', 'White'
    weatherUnit: "C", // 'F', 'C'
    language: "en", // More languages in https://openweathermap.org/current#multi

    trackLocation: true, // Request location from the browser. If false, or location is denied, use the coordinates below.
    defaultLatitude: "1",
    defaultLongitude: "1",

    // Autochange theme from OS preferece - The below options are all mutually exclusive. If you've got multiple set to true, the first one will be set and the rest ignored.
    changeThemeByOS: true,

    // Switch theme based on set hours. (24hr format, string must be in: hh:mm)
    changeThemeByHour: false,
    hourDarkThemeActive: "18:30",
    hourDarkThemeInactive: "07:00",

    // Switch dark theme automatically from sunrise to sunset. Pulls from the browsers location, or falls back to the defaults if not.
    // Requires an OpenWeatherMap API key.
    changeThemeByLocation: false,

    // ┌┐ ┬ ┬┌┬┐┌┬┐┌─┐┌┐┌┌─┐
    // ├┴┐│ │ │  │ │ ││││└─┐
    // └─┘└─┘ ┴  ┴ └─┘┘└┘└─┘

    firstButtonsContainer: [
            id: "1", // entry ID, don't modify.
            name: "Github", // set the name of the card
            icon: "fab-github", // provide a FontAwesome icon name. Regular icons (fa-) don't require a prefix, while FA-Brands icons must be prefixed with "fab-"
            link: "https://github.com/" // provide a link to the page.
            id: "2",
            name: "WhatsApp",
            icon: "fab-whatsapp",
            link: "https://web.whatsapp.com/"
            id: "3",
            name: "Foo",
            icon: "fab-github",
            link: "http://bar"
            id: "4",
            name: "Plex",
            icon: "ticket",
            link: "https://app.plex.tv"
            id: "5",
            name: "Reddit",
            icon: "fab-reddit",
            link: "https://reddit.com"
            id: "6",
            name: "YouTube",
            icon: "fab-youtube",
            link: "https://youtube.com/"

    secondButtonsContainer: [
            id: "1",
            name: "Music",
            icon: "fab-spotify",
            link: "https://open.spotify.com"
            id: "2",
            name: "twitter",
            icon: "fab-twitter",
            link: "https://twitter.com/"
            id: "3",
            name: "bot",
            icon: "fab-discord",
            link: "https://discord.com/app"
            id: "4",
            name: "Amazon",
            icon: "fab-amazon",
            link: "https://amazon.com/"
            id: "5",
            name: "Hashnode",
            icon: "fab-hashnode",
            link: "https://hashnode.com/"
            id: "6",
            name: "Figma",
            icon: "fab-figma",
            link: "https://figma.com/"

    // ┬  ┬┌─┐┌┬┐┌─┐
    // │  │└─┐ │ └─┐
    // ┴─┘┴└─┘ ┴ └─┘

    // First Links Container
    firstlistsContainer: [
            icon: "code-branch",
            id: "1",
            links: [
                    name: "Foo",
                    link: "https://bar"
                    name: "Foo",
                    link: "https://bar"
                    name: "Foo",
                    link: "https://bar"
                    name: "Foo",
                    link: "https://bar"
                    name: "Foo",
                    link: "https://bar"
            icon: "rotate",
            id: "2",
            links: [
                    name: "Foo",
                    link: "https://bar"
                    name: "Foo",
                    link: "http://bar"
                    name: "Foo",
                    link: "https://bar"

    // Second Links Container
    secondListsContainer: [
            icon: "house-user",
            id: "1",
            links: [
                    name: "Spotify",
                    link: "https://www.spotify.com"
                    name: "Reddit",
                    link: "https://www.reddit.com"
                    name: "Hashnode",
                    link: "https://www.hashnode.com"
                    name: "Pocket",
                    link: "https://www.pocket.com"
            icon: "fab-github",
            id: "2",
            links: [
                    name: "Front",
                    link: "https://www.reddit.com/r/Frontend/"
                    name: "Rust",
                    link: "https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/"
                    name: "Go",
                    link: "https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/"
                    name: "Repos",
                    link: "https://github.com/migueravila"

    componentsEnabled: {
        searchBar: false,
        themeButton: false,
        clock: true,
        greeter: false,
        date: true,
        weather: true

export const config = CONFIG;
lewisdoesstuff commented 1 year ago


Does this still happen with the themeButton component enabled?

Kernald commented 1 year ago

Ha, good guess! Enabling themeButton makes it work again indeed.

lewisdoesstuff commented 1 year ago

Ah, brilliant!

Looks like the script for updating the theme is part of the themeButton component, so i'd assume all of the other theme modes break with this disabled.

I'll patch this to render the component as hidden, instead of skipping it entirely when disabled.

I'll put a commit together when i'm home :)

lewisdoesstuff commented 1 year ago

Just pushed a commit that (hopefully) fixes this.

Let me know if you have any other issues :)