Closed khoa21214475 closed 7 months ago
Please help me!
You want to set the charge current, but it doesn't change after setting it to 1000mA?
Yes, I set charge current to 1000mA: // Set constant current charge current limit if (!PMU.setChargerConstantCurr(XPOWERS_AXP2101_CHG_CUR_1000MA)) { Serial.println("Setting Charger Constant Current Failed!"); } And Charger Status is Constant Current (CC) But the charging current is only from 3mA to 5 mA, so the charging time exceeds 12 hours so an error is reported through the charger status LED (1Hz blink) and stops charging. Can you help me solve this problem, thank you very much!
Which board do you use? Looks like a hardware issue
This problem has nothing to do with this library. It can be determined to be a hardware problem. Please ask your supplier about the charging method of the AXP2101 you are using. AXP2101 has two charging methods, and the hardware wiring methods are different.
20:48:50.186 -> AXP2101 Started Successful. 20:48:50.186 -> DCDC1 :ENABLE Voltage:3100 mV 20:48:50.218 -> DCDC3 :DISABLE Voltage:3300 mV 20:48:50.218 -> ALDO1 :DISABLE Voltage:3300 mV 20:48:50.218 -> ALDO2 :DISABLE Voltage:3100 mV 20:48:50.218 -> ALDO3 :DISABLE Voltage:3100 mV 20:48:50.218 -> ALDO4 :DISABLE Voltage:3100 mV 20:48:50.218 -> BLDO1 :DISABLE Voltage:3300 mV 20:48:50.218 -> -> getSysPowerDownVoltage:2600 20:48:50.218 -> DISABLE - HEX:0xffffffff 20:48:50.218 -> ENABLE - HEX:0x18fcc0 20:48:50.259 -> Setting Charge Target Current : 1000 20:48:50.259 -> Setting Charge Target Voltage : 4200 20:48:50.259 -> 20:48:55.248 -> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20:48:55.248 -> Satus1 Satus2 CHARG DISC STBY VBUSIN VGOOD VBAT VBUS VSYS Percentage CHG_STATUS 20:48:55.248 -> (Bin) (Bin) (bool) (bool) (bool) (bool) (bool) (mV) (mV) (mV) (%) (str)
20:48:55.248 -> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20:48:55.294 -> 0b11000 0b10010 YES NO NO YES YES 3774 4771 4765 49 constant charge(CC)
20:49:06.297 -> ===================================================================== 20:49:06.297 -> BatVoltage: 3772(49%) 20:49:06.297 -> >>>>>>register 0x0: 0b111000 20:49:06.297 -> >>>>>>register 0x1: 0b110010 20:49:06.297 -> >>>>>>register 0x67: 0b11100110 20:49:06.340 -> charge_status: 0b10
The charging current is only about 3-5mA, so the charging time exceeds 12H (set by reg67H[5:4]), and thus also interrupts the charging process. I can't fix this problem, please help me!