lewisxhe / esp32-camera-screen

TTGO T-camera Plus
65 stars 52 forks source link

Is there the factory firmware for downloading? #5

Closed TridentTD closed 5 years ago

TridentTD commented 5 years ago

I have compiled github's source code under esp-who platform. It can be compiled but not same as the factory firmware.

I want to test the factory firmware again. Please put the factory firmware for downloading too.

Thank you.

lewisxhe commented 5 years ago

@TridentTD Already uploaded, the default IP address is

TridentTD commented 5 years ago

@lewisxhe Thank you.

After uploading the factory firmware, I speech "nihaotianmao" to switch between "BME280" tab to "CAMERA" tab. This step is ok. But how to capture picture or how to make new id for image-recognizing?

lewisxhe commented 5 years ago

@TridentTD Turn on the FACE_DETECT_IN_SCREEN macro(in main.cpp), face recognition will be displayed in the display, and the microphone will be disabled. The web page will not be viewable. Only face input and camera parameters can be adjusted.

TridentTD commented 5 years ago

Thank you.