lewster32 / corporallancot

A Discord bot primarily for recording, searching and retrieving notes and quotes
MIT License
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New Action Handler: Centralised Chat Log #25

Open Bidthedog opened 4 years ago

Bidthedog commented 4 years ago

When streaming to multiple platforms, it'd be great to be able to consolidate chat logs into a single place. We can do this easily with a new chat handler that just simply listens and redirects output to another location for those platforms / servers it is enabled for. This relies upon #11 to be completed first.

Definitely not Corporal Lancot's initial use-case, but absolutely useful for multi-platform streamers. If you'd prefer me to fork and work on this kind of thing separately, happy to do so, but I think it'd be cool to turn this bot into a multi-purpose chatbot that can do a fair few things.

This might require some kind of UI - can be simple to start with, but we could change this to incorporate changing config settings etc.