lewster32 / phaser-plugin-isometric

Feature-packed axonometric plugin for Phaser 2 which stays true to the Phaser API.
MIT License
472 stars 165 forks source link

Example Game #19

Closed LunarDevelopment closed 9 years ago

LunarDevelopment commented 9 years ago


Love the project, bravo!

I was wondering if there are any example games / boilerplate for seeing this plugin in action / something to kickstart my own game prototype?

I'm new to phaser but I've been ruined by yeoman, bower and npm for how easy it is in my job to start a new angularJS application.



mfpierre commented 9 years ago


Did you check out the examples on the website ? http://rotates.org/phaser/iso/examples/

They will get you started :+1:

LunarDevelopment commented 9 years ago

Good call, thanks for reminding me.

I did check those out, I was just fishing for something like what you have on the website's home screen to get a big step closer to prototyping a tactics ogre / final fantasy tactics advance -esque game I've had on my to do list for a long time..

Would this library fit that kind or role or have I missed something when I've read through some of the docs.


lewster32 commented 9 years ago

The examples demonstrate most of the features of the plug-in - there're also some tutorials such as the following:

Finally, the source of the homepage example is unminified and reasonably well commented, though the implementation is pretty specific. You can view it here: http://www.rotates.org/phaser/iso/test.js

I'd suggest you brush up on other more generic Phaser tutorials (of which there are way too many to list) if you're not familiar with it, as the plug-in closely follows the way native Phaser features work - the physics being just a modified 3D version of the standard built-in 2D Arcade physics system.

LunarDevelopment commented 9 years ago

That was fantastically useful, thank you very much!

I've got a basic version of a 3d tile map working, its just not registering the cursor location properly.

But I think its coming from having to change the syntax of the cursor demo so drastically, I'm using generator-phaser and it separates everything into separate files and uses this. syntax.