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Power of Attorney and Agency Theory #4

Open drllau opened 4 years ago

drllau commented 4 years ago

Agents / Contracting - Might consider who can be considered an agent of a DAO. This again depends a lot on permissioned on unpermissioned, though one way around this would be to make it such that DAOs can only have temporary agents as designated in a passed proposal.

This is covered all on the RHS axis Legal Entities

There needs to be a bunch of legal research to confirm all the various edge cases (death, gift, adverse possession, etc)

drllau commented 4 years ago

Example of non-US IEO with apparently Arizona info-servers? Got cracked and forced into liquidation with gory details here. Should make a great scenario (once simplified)

We have obtained Chapter 15 Bankruptcy Recognition in the United States. Now that the Recognition Order has been entered, certain protections apply to Cryptopia and its property within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. An “automatic stay” is effective and acts as a moratorium in favour of Cryptopia and its property within the territorial limits of the United States concerning pre-petition claims including litigation (whether class action or otherwise), creditor collection efforts with respect to Cryptopia’s assets in the United States, and efforts by contract counterparties to terminate contracts with Cryptopia.

To determine each customer’s holdings we must undertake a manual process to determine what is held in the pooled wallets and then reconcile the information with that held in the customer database. We are hopeful this process will show us the holdings of individual account holders. This process is well underway but will still take some time to complete. We are working to reconcile the accounts of over 900,000 customers, many holding multiple crypto-assets, millions of transactions and over 400 different crypto-assets). These must be reconciled one-by-one.

Memorandum of Counsel is interesting as to the questions of law and split between a/c holders (hypothetically capped at $5k?) and creditors