lexi-lambda / SimpleJail

Simplistic Jail plugin for Bukkit
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Multi World Support #14

Open Sharrq opened 10 years ago

Sharrq commented 10 years ago

Plugin doesnt support multiple worlds. If you jail a player and unjail them, they will lose all the groups they were in from the world they were jailed from.

It appears the order of operations is messed up on this. From what I can tell, it goes in this order.

When you jail someone ...

  1. Remove player from groups in original world
  2. Teleport them to jail
  3. Add them to jail group in the jail world

When you unjail someone ...

  1. Remove the player from the jailed group in Jailed World
  2. Add them back to their original groups in the Jailed World
  3. Teleport them to the unjail point

The end result is the groups from the original world never get added back so if they go back to that original world, they cant do anything because they arent a member of any group including default.