lexibank / lexibank-analysed

Study on lexibank data (presenting the lexibank dataset).
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Integration of Lexibank Data with Different Datasets #23

Closed LinguList closed 3 years ago

LinguList commented 3 years ago

In order to illustrate the integrative potential of lexibank data, I suggest to make some kind of a plot where we contrast the availability of a given language, identified by glottocode, with some major datasets.

An earlier idea was to look at Glottolog's endangerment information, but maybe we can instead show how lexibank integrates with the major datasets that have been used so far?

I imagine, for example, a plot in which we show (using pie-charts divided into four slots):

  1. availability in phoible
  2. availability in asjp (we have some datasets they lack still, I think)
  3. availability in WALS
  4. availability in glottolog

The latter can be seen as criticism in our missing links, but also as an example of how our collections could in the future contribute to expanding glottolog, since by now, we have cases where dialectal variation is not yet reflected in glottolog, and we have geocoordinates and the like at our disposal in lexibank.

An alternative would be to add one more dataset, but I'd not know which or to take only three.

LinguList commented 3 years ago

This relates to 2.2 of our paper.

LinguList commented 3 years ago

The part is written, and integration should be handled by now. If reviewers demand, we could in the future make a direct comparison with ASJP.