lexibank / uralex

UraLex basic vocabulary dataset
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Mapping to Concepticon #3

Open xrotwang opened 5 years ago

xrotwang commented 5 years ago

It would be helpful to have a mapping to Concepticon for the meanings in this dataset. I guess, the 226 concepts in Syrjaenen-2013-226 are a subset of these, right?

kasyrj commented 5 years ago

Yes. "Fullbasic" in Meaning_lists is the same concept list as Syrjaenen-2013-226 (i.e. a combination of Swadesh200, Swadesh100 and LJ meanings).

xrotwang commented 5 years ago

What's LJ by the way? Juri Lehtinen?

kasyrj commented 5 years ago

The Leipzig-Jakarta basic vocabulary list.

Note however that the UraLex version of this list a slight modification of the traditional version (mentioned in Meaning_list_descriptions), as it contains 101 meanings rather than the traditional 100. This is because the UraLex dataset follows Swadesh-style concepts, where "foot" and "leg" are two separate meanings, and not Leipzig-Jakarta -style concepts, where "foot" and "leg" are combined under one concept ("foot/leg"). The Leipzig-Jakarta version in the UraLex dataset includes both "foot" and "leg".

xrotwang commented 5 years ago

Ah, right. Thanks!