lexich / redux-api

Flux REST API for redux infrastructure
MIT License
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RFC #79

Open lexich opened 8 years ago

lexich commented 8 years ago

Typical cases.

Feature requests.

lexich commented 8 years ago

c6b2eb061a1d18920dc042db18303d68058a1c6a JWT authorization

wvengen commented 7 years ago

Performing multiple calls to the same endpoint may also be a useful case. I've documented my approach here, for anyone interested: https://gist.github.com/wvengen/39b561607691e33bc0db050264ebc1e7

lexich commented 7 years ago

@wvengen very good example. Would you like to move you example to docs/MultipleCalls.md?

lexich commented 7 years ago

@wvengen What do you think about more complicated way?

// a basic redux-api rest store
import reduxApi from 'redux-api';
import adapterFetch from "redux-api/lib/adapters/fetch";

export default ReduxApi({
  productCategories: {
    url: '/api/v1/products/categories',
    postfetch: [
        function({data, actions, dispatch, getState, request}) {
            if (!data) { return [];}
            const { categories } = data;
            if (!categories) { return [];}
            const requests = categories.map(({id}) => {
                const requestParams = { .... };    
                return actions.productHistogram.request(requestParams);

            // It very interesting place, maybe postfetch should process Promise
            // This allow save all products information in categories
            Promise.all(requests).then((data)=> {
                dispatch({ type: "PRODUCTS_UPTATES", data })

  productHistogram: {
    url: '/api/v1/products/histogram',
    virtual: true,
    transformer: (data) => (data || {}).products_histogram,
}).use('fetch', adapterFetch(fetch));
mkoppanen commented 6 years ago

My typical use-case includes chaining update and fetching a full list after the update. I can achieve this currently with helpers but having something like postfetch that would delay resolving the original action would simplify the code a lot.

I have "list" and "update" actions separately and currently I need to have the "updateAndFetchList" helper under the "list", which makes it a bit confusing. Currently postfetch is not blocking the resolution of the original action and thus there is a small race condition between update and list being refetched.

I have considered using one reducer but then I lose being able to separate "what" is loading / having error.

lexich commented 6 years ago

Hi @mkoppanen can you create new issue with example of you code. I'll try to help you.