lexiconhq / lexicon

Built with Expo, React Native, and GraphQL, Lexicon is a pre-built mobile discussions app that you can customize for your users.
MIT License
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September 2022 Project Update #10

Closed Kinostrome closed 1 year ago

Kinostrome commented 1 year ago

As mentioned in (this comment) in #4, it would be beneficial to those interested in this project if we have a bit of an update on the current state of things

Project History

First, let's start with a recap of everything.

As mentioned in the documentation on the Background & Motivation page:

In our consulting projects, we found that many of our clients were regularly asking for solutions that Discourse already provides out of the box. However, our clients wanted a seamless, native mobile experience, tailored to the brand that their users were already familiar with.

Lexicon was built primarily because of its usefulness to us with future client projects. (This is important to keep in mind as you compare it to other Discourse related mobile apps & projects.)

We felt that the open-source community may benefit from the work we had done as well, so we wanted to launch it as an open-source project.

The project officially launched in August of 2021. There seemed to be a lot of buzz and interest from a few of the channels that the announcement was published on.

There were a few aspects of the project which weren't included in the initial release, but intended to be included as follow-on work (as was outlined in the documentation):

Shortly after launch, priorities changed for us for a bit, in that all of our engineers contributing to this project were needed on other client projects.

2022 Update

More recently, I finally found some availability to return to this project in my spare time. I had noticed that there was still interest from the community, and that people were having trouble getting past the quick start example.

Progress so far

Since I've revisited things, I've been focused on getting the code base back into a pristine state. (Read more) It should come as no surprise that—in the Javascript ecosystem—a project that was started in 2020 and launched in 2021 already has several dependencies that are quite out of date. I've already updated all of the dependencies in the frontend: https://github.com/lexiconhq/lexicon/commit/97557a84ab1bbe7506b96f99121b8358b1d6437e. This was actually quite a lot of work, as it involved a lot of breaking API changes, new packages, and new type / linter errors that weren't previously identifiable. This also included a fix for #1 (which was actually an internationalization issue). I've also been responding to the huge backlog of dependabot warnings, and have that cut down to a much more reasonable number already. After that, I realized that one of the dependabot PRs (upgrade axios from 0.19.2 to 0.21.2) actually created a bug, which was tracked in #5 and I recently pushed a fix for with https://github.com/lexiconhq/lexicon/commit/9422a1322ab04a076935e6757ad93982391c1560. This bug caused any mutations (creating / editing topics and posts, etc.) to fail. Since that was a pretty significant regression, I made sure it was triaged and fixed ASAP. I have confirmed it is now working again as before.

It's also worth mentioning—I've made a few updates to make it easier to get started with pointing Lexicon at your Discourse site:

What comes next?

JuliaAgostino commented 1 year ago

I'm glad to hear that this project hasn't been abandoned. I'll be closely following this repository now that development has resumed.

Kinostrome commented 1 year ago

I'm glad to hear that this project hasn't been abandoned. I'll be closely following this repository now that development has resumed.

Could you tell us a bit more about how you're intending to use Lexicon? Have you deployed it anywhere yet?

JuliaAgostino commented 1 year ago

I'm glad to hear that this project hasn't been abandoned. I'll be closely following this repository now that development has resumed.

Could you tell us a bit more about how you're intending to use Lexicon? Have you deployed it anywhere yet?

No, I'm more of a Discourse enthusiast than a developer.