lexiconhq / lexicon

Built with Expo, React Native, and GraphQL, Lexicon is a pre-built mobile discussions app that you can customize for your users.
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Add ability to login with SSO #23

Open bilalghalib opened 1 year ago

bilalghalib commented 1 year ago

For details about Discourse SSO: https://meta.discourse.org/t/setup-discourseconnect-official-single-sign-on-for-discourse-sso/13045

Kinostrome commented 1 year ago

Hi @bilalghalib, thanks for creating this. We do have this as a "placeholder item" on the roadmap.


I'll delete that one and link your issue instead.

For this task in particular, it's not one that we're planning to support anytime in the near term.

We would welcome a well-thought-out implementation as an open-source contribution. That would be awesome to see.

Alternatively, if it's really high priority / urgent, consider reaching out to us for custom development at support@kodefox.com, which would enable us to dedicate some engineering and design resources toward it.