lexiconhq / lexicon

Built with Expo, React Native, and GraphQL, Lexicon is a pre-built mobile discussions app that you can customize for your users.
MIT License
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Migrate to Hermes #29

Closed Kinostrome closed 9 months ago

Kinostrome commented 1 year ago

Migrate to the Hermes JS engine for the entire project.

SimonBiggs commented 1 year ago

Hi @Kinostrome,

I'd be quite keen to be able to help with the process of being able to have a stable release of the new updates to Lexicon. What is something that I could do to help you? I'd be open to helping with documentation, testing, bug swatting. Just keen to get the current updated work into a state where it is fit for deployment.

Cheers, Simon

starjustice commented 1 year ago

Hi @Kinostrome,

I'd be quite keen to be able to help with the process of being able to have a stable release of the new updates to Lexicon. What is something that I could do to help you? I'd be open to helping with documentation, testing, bug swatting. Just keen to get the current updated work into a state where it is fit for deployment.

Cheers, Simon

Hey Simon, thanks for your interest in this—we're really glad to have you on here wanting to help out.

At the moment we're undergoing a bit of a transition. Lexicon v2 is under development internally (with features like push notifications and email deep linking), and development on that is being synced to alpha-v2. We are gearing up to a beta launch of v2, after which we'd like to transition the project to fully open-source.

In the meantime, the master branch still contains the v1 legacy code, and these two branches are not compatible—they can't be merged into one another. Given that v2 is a major version break, this probably makes sense.

One way that you could help out quite a bit is by getting the master branch stable again with any issues that you're encountering. It should be somewhat up-to-date, but we'd be happy to review PRs that are fixing the issues you're encountering. The key point is that we can't merge PRs syncing all changes between alpha-v2 and master. These two branches have to diverge from one another since v2 will contain features that v1 did not support.

We also wrote about this on a recent post in our discussions tab, you can read about it here: https://github.com/lexiconhq/lexicon/discussions/37

SimonBiggs commented 1 year ago

We are gearing up to a beta launch of v2, after which we'd like to transition the project to fully open-source.

Cheers, thanks for the update. I'll avoid touching things until such a time as the development workflow is fully open source. Once that transition is made, I'd be more than happy to help.