lexiconhq / lexicon

Built with Expo, React Native, and GraphQL, Lexicon is a pre-built mobile discussions app that you can customize for your users.
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onAnimatedValueUpdate WARN #50

Closed Bardreamaster closed 9 months ago

Bardreamaster commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug

Run /fronted locally, with prose server deployed on server which is deployed by Docker from kodefox/prose:latest. And Test APP on iOS(16.6.1) latest Expo. And no plugins installed.

There is a warning while click Notifications in Profile page, shown as below(RCTLog.js 36:5). Others looks good.

 WARN  Sending `onAnimatedValueUpdate` with no listeners registered.
 WARN  Sending `onAnimatedValueUpdate` with no listeners registered.
 WARN  Sending `onAnimatedValueUpdate` with no listeners registered.

REQUIRED: answer the following questions:

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Run api and fronted app
  2. Click Notifications in Profile page, or refresh post page, click like button.
  3. See warrning.


Desktop (please complete the following information):

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

GraphQL API (please complete the following information):

Please indicate where the Prose GraphQL API is running.

Have you deployed it somewhere? If so, what domain or IP address did you deploy it at?

How specifically did you configure the mobile app to connect to the API?

starjustice commented 9 months ago

Hey @Bardreamaster, thank you for opening this issue.

I want to clarify that this warning is not a critical bug that will break the app or render any feature non-functional. However, after conducting our investigation, we suspect that this warning originates from the React Navigation package, as indicated in this issue: https://github.com/react-navigation/react-navigation/issues/7839.

we will try implementing a fix for this warning.

Bardreamaster commented 9 months ago

Thanks for help!

starjustice commented 9 months ago

I want to inform you that we have already addressed this issue in the v2.0.0-beta branch with the following commit: Commit Link. If you encounter any other issues, please feel free to create a new one.