lexiconhq / lexicon

Built with Expo, React Native, and GraphQL, Lexicon is a pre-built mobile discussions app that you can customize for your users.
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[Frontend][Version][Update] lexicon version v2.1.0 #59

Closed starjustice closed 6 months ago

starjustice commented 7 months ago

Type of PR


This PR contains a major update lexicon v2.1.0. which contains a Poll in New Post, Post Detail, And Private Message, Change user status, bug fix, and improvement feature for the lexicon.

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List sync repo

Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2023 - Remove Instance Loading Screen - Delete not found and private error in LoadingOrError - Add error boundary component and throw error for post not found in cache
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2023 - Remove and Replace Version 2.0.0-beta - Date Time picker component - Bump graphql from 16.5.0 to 16.8.1 in /frontend - Bump graphql from 16.6.0 to 16.8.1 in /api
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2023 - up version docusaurus 2.4.3
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2023 - User status https://github.com/kodefox/lexicon/pull/1290 - Bump zod from 3.22.0 to 3.22.3 in /api - Bump postcss from 8.4.14 to 8.4.31 in /documentation - Bump postcss from 8.4.25 to 8.4.31 in /frontend
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2023 - Separate type topic poster - Update package react native, expo-file, expo update - Handle image with Protocol Relative URLs - New post refactor
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2023 - Bump @babel/traverse from 7.12.13 to 7.23.2 in /documentation - Bump undici from 5.19.1 to 5.26.3 in /api - Bump @babel/traverse from 7.18.13 to 7.23.2 in /api - Bump @babel/traverse from 7.18.9 to 7.23.2 in /frontend
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 - Add Functionality Leave Private Message - Adjust Form Time picker and show endDate in edit scene https://github.com/kodefox/lexicon/pull/1305 - New auth navigation flow
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2023 - Add max length for text status and add style for emoji in author
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2023 - Fix Filter Channel In Home
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2023 - Poll
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2023 - Refetch Post Detail After Mutation in Poll - Poll vote on close And change label for poll choice card - Change Poll Loading Indicator - Android fix scroll inside scroll
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2023 - Fix keyboard hide in edit user status - Fix Poll Close Date and Dark Mode Color Theme - Adjust Android Keyboard Avoding view for in edit user status - Add theme color for skeleton loading
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2023 - Fix Protocol Relative URLs image
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2023 - Disable the "Delete Status" button and increase the size Opacity of the "Edit Status" button in profile - Add pull to refresh loading error in home - Change text select time - Dark Mode Loading Color - Fix Poll preloader voters format - Add Validation to Poll Input Min Choice, Max Choice, and Step - Add icon for multiple dropdown selection if selected - Delete empty enter poll content and empty space between tag and content - Disable Edit Chart Type
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2023 - Fix Edit Post by User Other Than Creator - Fix Number Rating Poll preview, color, and enable edit post without edit content only edit poll - Handle empty poster user
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2023 - Disable onPress label in Text Input - Fix Home Channel Change when cancel New Post and Add Loading When Change Channel - Adjust Size Image after save changes Profile - Fix filter show user new message - Fix Leave Message - Unescape HTML Entities in Home Post Item
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2023 - Change skeleton loading theme color - Revert text input clickable title
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2023 - New message using react-hook-form context And Add Poll - Add Poll in Post Reply
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2023 - Strip HTML Tags from Error Messages - Fix cache home topic and loading
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2023 - Delete New Message preview
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2023 - Remove Default and Minimum Value for Poll Close Date
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2023 - Icon message reply selection with Poll - Screen Poll in Message Detail - Add Poll Chat Bubble and Connect Poll in Message Detail
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2023 - Fix tooltip show in middle screen when open keyboard
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2023 - Fix Layout of Poll Components in Private Message - Fix votes not change when vote and back without wait loading - Fix width text title card poll - Poll close date open disable And Fix togglePoll mutation preloader
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2023 - Adjust tooltip message detail - Add await refetch after leave message - Reduce Poll Title Number of Lines Displayed