lexik / LexikTranslationBundle

This Symfony bundle allow to import translation files content into the database and provide a GUI to edit translations.
MIT License
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Fix issue with angularjs 1.8.x #444

Open raziel057 opened 9 months ago

raziel057 commented 9 months ago

The component doesn't works with AngularJs > 1.5.x:

The $http legacy promise methods success and error have been deprecated in 1.5.x and is removed in v1.6.0. So we got the following error: TypeError: $http.get(...).success is not a function

See : https://code.angularjs.org/1.5.11/docs/api/ng/service/$http#get

As suggested we need to use the standard then method instead.

raziel057 commented 3 months ago

Hi there,

I'm a bit confused that this PR is not yet accepted knowing that the component relay on angularJs 1.8 by default since commit https://github.com/lexik/LexikTranslationBundle/commit/ed737c50b913f41bcc3c293a19891dfbd49d0a47

So currently it lead to JS errors related to translation.js when using angularJs > 1.6.0.

For the context: image

Would it be possible to merge it in master and 6.0 branch?

bartmcleod commented 3 months ago

@raziel057 I simply didn't have time, it looks perfectly allright to me, there are conflicts though, is it possible this was already fixed when I did some frontend fixes for SF 7? Can you maybe solve the conflicts? And feel free to make a PR to the 6.0 branch as well.