from duplexity import deterministic_score as deterministic
from tqdm import tqdm
[np.mean([deterministic.calculate_fss_score(barra_month_interp.isel(time=i), qpe_month.isel(time=i), thresholds=[10], scales=[j]) for i in range(670)]) for j in tqdm(range(1, 11))]
is much faster than running
[deterministic.calculate_fss_score(barra_month_interp, qpe_month, thresholds=[10], scales=[j]) for i in tqdm(range(1, 11))]
Something to investigate and perhaps re-work how the code iterates through dimensions.
As an example, I've found performing:
is much faster than running
Something to investigate and perhaps re-work how the code iterates through dimensions.