lexogrine / hud-manager

All-in-one broadcast & HUDs Manager
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Team auto switching randomly & breaking HUD #97

Closed HiyaNoot closed 1 year ago

HiyaNoot commented 2 years ago

Screenshot (278)

I am seeming to have an issue where during a random round, the HUD switches the teams to the wrong side (CT -> T, T -> CT) This goes back and forth for a few seconds, as the teams switch The end result is that the HUD shows the wrong team, and breaks players (not observed player)

I am still having issues when teams don't switch after the half, and I have to change it manually, as well as the series points

This problem has started to become more frequent for me, and I have used the same HUD in the past, without any issues

(This is a custom HUD, using the react-hud as a base platform to build on)

osztenkurden commented 2 years ago

Do you have auto-switch turned off or on in the settings?

HiyaNoot commented 2 years ago

I've had it "on" for months, but teams never switched, so I had to do switch team sides manually (still don't know if this function was broken) As of a recent update, the team's would switch but switch multiple times during a round (auto-switch was "on") I turned it "off" during the game, but I couldn't fix the CT and T colours after they switched, thusly completely breaking

The mapseries score board also broke, showing scores like 1:11:16 due to the teams switching back and forth

I shall try find a clip, where the issue arose

osztenkurden commented 2 years ago

You should keep Auto switch turned off, we are redoing this feature.

Regarding team switch at half, issue is more complicated. CS:GO sends wrong data after side switch when default HUD is turned off. They fix a bit themselves after you manually switch observed player. If teams are reversed after that, you should just click Alt+R.

Also I advise against any config that switch teams (left to right and vice versa) after the half, simply because its confusing for the observer.

HiyaNoot commented 2 years ago

Avatars not rendering + teams on wrong side (switching teams during round) https://clips.twitch.tv/CooperativeCulturedFiddleheadsTTours-Q8U178s1kZn_T0EJ

Auto-switch off (manually changed sides) + breaks HUD https://clips.twitch.tv/SarcasticSparklyPterodactylHumbleLife-89NDGUTITuQ-3-Xr

The base HUD is based on the CSGO react hud, where I only tweaked the visuals