lextudio / monodevelop.netcoredbg

.NET Core debugger extension for MonoDevelop
MIT License
21 stars 4 forks source link

Please provide a build for ubuntu 18.04 mono 7.8.2 #3

Open vivekcek opened 5 years ago

vivekcek commented 5 years ago

I tried to build this with cmake and core but did not got any bin created. So could you please build and provide me binaries of this branch.


lextm commented 5 years ago


vivekcek commented 5 years ago

I added this to mono still no break point is hitting. Do i need to add this to path variable?

vivekcek commented 5 years ago

THis my path to debugger configured "/home/vivek/debugnet/bin/netcoredbg" And /home/vivek/debugnet/bin/netcoredbg --help will work (from terminal)

lextm commented 5 years ago

What kind of project are you testing? dotnet new console should be a good test case to run before moving to a more complex project.

vivekcek commented 5 years ago

Yes break point working for console but not for a web api project. What to do please help. Target framework is 2.2

lextm commented 5 years ago

It seems to be something Linux only.

vivekcek commented 5 years ago

Yes I am using this with Ubuntu 18.04 mono 7.8. Is there any way this to work for web api project

vivekcek commented 5 years ago

lex any help for web api projects in Ubuntu mono

vivekcek commented 5 years ago

Any update?

lextm commented 5 years ago

No plan to work on it. PR is welcome.

vivekcek commented 5 years ago

No plan to work on it. PR is welcome.

Is the issue is in extension or necoredbg library?