lexus2k / lcdgfx

Driver for LCD displays running on Arduino/Avr/ESP32/Linux (including Rasperry) platforms
MIT License
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Add support for LCD controller: SSD1306B #118

Open simon-77 opened 1 month ago

simon-77 commented 1 month ago

The SSD1306 is already implemented, but not fully compatible with the SSD1306B controller.

I am using the OLEDS102-6 display with the SSD1306B controller. I needed to modify the startup sequence slightly, in order to get the charge pump set up correctly.

I have copied the configuration (for the script) from the SSD1306 and modified the startup sequence.

This pull request contains the new json configuration files as well as the newly created source files.

And I have tested the new class successfully with my OLEDS102-6 display. Used testing code snippets:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "lcdgfx.h"

#define OLED_RST 3
#define OLED_DC 2
#define OLED_CS 5
#define OLED_SCK 18
#define OLED_MOSI 19
#define SPI_FREQ 0 // 0 means default frequency

int main()


    oled.setFixedFont( ssd1306xled_font6x8 );

    oled.printFixed(12,  0, "Normal text", STYLE_NORMAL);
    oled.printFixed(12, 16, "Bold text", STYLE_BOLD);
    oled.printFixed(12, 24, "Italic text", STYLE_ITALIC);

    while (true);
simon-77 commented 1 month ago

The SSD1306 library has the following #define directive

                        "#ifdef SDL_EMULATION",
                        "    SDL_LCD_SSD1306, 0x00,",
                        "    0x00, 0x00,",

which I have modified for SSD1306B to SDL_LCD_SSD1306B, 0x00,",. I guess this is why the build test is failing.

I don't know what it is actually used for and if I should have deleted these 4 lines for the new implementation.

Nevertheless, building the library for a micro controller (raspberry pi pico in my case) without the SDL_EMULATION does work.

Maybe you can have a look and modify this line accordingly to what makes sense.

Cheers Simon