lexus2k / lcdgfx

Driver for LCD displays running on Arduino/Avr/ESP32/Linux (including Rasperry) platforms
MIT License
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Cyrillic characters are not displayed correctly #14

Closed vecheslav255 closed 4 years ago

vecheslav255 commented 4 years ago

Good afternoon! I need to display Russian text. I am trying to use the free_calibri11x12_cyrillic font from your library kit. The test code is very simple.

include "lcdgfx.h"

DisplaySSD1306_128x64_I2C display(-1); // DisplayIL9163_128x128x16_SPI display(3,{-1, 4, 5, 0,-1,-1}); // Use this line for Atmega328p void setup() { display.begin(); display.fill(0x00); display.setFixedFont( free_calibri11x12_cyrillic ); display.printFixed (11, 32, "ААААА", STYLE_NORMAL ); } void loop() { }

But I get unreadable characters on the screen. Photo attached. I tried the same on the IL9163 display, but the result was the same.

I am using an Arduino UNO board with SSD1306 and IL9163 displays for the test. All demos from your library compile fine and work well

Voha888 commented 4 years ago

Try my example:

Display Initialization:

#include <lcdgfx.h>


DisplayST7735_128x160x16_SPI display(DISPLAY_RST_PIN,{-1, DISPLAY_CS_PIN, DISPLAY_CLK_PIN, 0,-1,-1}); // Use this line for ESP32 (VSPI)  (gpio22=RST, gpio5=CE for VSPI, gpio21=D/C)

void display_setup_function(){

   display.setFreeFont( free_calibri11x12, free_calibri11x12_cyrillic );

    display.fill( 0x0000 );



Image output:

void show(int layout_x, int layout_y, const uint8_t *size, const uint8_t *data){
    display.drawBitmap16(layout_x, layout_y, size[0], size[1], data);

Text output:

void text(lcdint_t xpos, lcdint_t y, String ch, EFontStyle style){
    display.printFixed(xpos, y, ch.c_str(), style);

Header file:

#pragma once

#include <lcdgfx.h>

void display_setup_function();
void show(int layout_x, int layout_y, const uint8_t *size, const uint8_t *data); //функция выводит цветную картинку на дисплей
void text(lcdint_t xpos, lcdint_t y, String ch, EFontStyle style = STYLE_NORMAL); //функция выводит текст на дисплей
vecheslav255 commented 4 years ago

I am using Arduino IDE 1.8.12 and the lcdcfx library version 1.0.3 available for download through the arduino library manager

vecheslav255 commented 4 years ago

Thanks, I'll try now

Voha888 commented 4 years ago

And there is a full-fledged example from the author of this library:

vecheslav255 commented 4 years ago

Thanks It works

include "lcdgfx.h"

// DisplaySSD1306_128x64_I2C display(-1); DisplayIL9163_128x128x16_SPI display(3,{-1, 4, 5, 0,-1,-1}); // Use this line for Atmega328p

void setup() { display.begin(); display.setFreeFont( free_calibri11x12, free_calibri11x12_cyrillic ); display.fill( 0x0000 ); display.clear(); display.printFixed (11, 32, "Здравствуй мир", STYLE_NORMAL ); }

void loop() { }