lexus2k / lcdgfx

Driver for LCD displays running on Arduino/Avr/ESP32/Linux (including Rasperry) platforms
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GUI Menu and sub-menus #50

Closed lquang4321 closed 3 years ago

lquang4321 commented 3 years ago

Before I proceed, I'm a beginner in terms of programming so I might used incorrect programming terms. Anyways, I'm making a little device that needs a simple UI library. I managed to create the main menu but it's difficult to create submenu. At first, I tried to create a multidimensional array and then cycle through the "pages" but I don't think the menu gets updated. I'm at a lost. My current solution is to create multiple LcdGfxMenu object and manually do the logic so it displays ontop which gets tedious as the submenu grows.

const char *menuPG[][4] =
    { "Main 1", "Main 2", "" ,  ""},                   //Main menu
    { "Sub 1", "Sub 2", "Sub 3", "Back"},        //Submenu Page 1
    { "Sub 1", "Sub 2", "Sub 3", "Back"},       //Submenu Page 2
uint8_t curPAGE= 0;
SAppMenu menu;

void setup()
    display.createMenu(&menu, menuPG[curPAGE], sizeof(menuPG[curPAGE]) / sizeof(char *), {0,9} );  

   /* The only way for a submenu to work is manually calling each submenu below to override the previous */                               
    //display.createMenu(&set_up, set_upPG, sizeof(set_upPG) / sizeof(char *) );
    //display.createMenu(&sensors, sensorPG, sizeof(sensorPG) / sizeof(char *), {82, 36, 127, 64} );
    //display.createMenu(&about, aboutPG, sizeof(aboutPG) / sizeof(char *) );

void loop()
    curPAGE ++;

Is there a way to create a submenu system? I'm currently using Adafruit nrf52 Feather bluefruit and SSD 1306 0.96" mono. Thanks.

lexus2k commented 3 years ago


Unfortunately, submenu functionality is not implemented. You're thinking in the correct direction: createMenu(SAppMenu *menu, const char **items, uint8_t count, const NanoRect &rect) This method is the right way to implement submenus. You only need to remember which level is active now, something like this (pseudocode):

SAppMenu *activeMenu = &mainMenu;

void loop()
    display.showMenu( activeMenu );
    if item is selected then activeMenu = &subMenu;

Best regards.

lquang4321 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your help, but since this is a school project I can't waste time. I decided it's easier to use ArduinoMenu library although that gave me headache of its own due to the shear amount of features/functionality.