lexus2k / lcdgfx

Driver for LCD displays running on Arduino/Avr/ESP32/Linux (including Rasperry) platforms
MIT License
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stm32 ssd1306 spi error #64

Closed Indra-nil closed 2 years ago

Indra-nil commented 3 years ago

hi recently i tried example sketches for STM32 bluepill. the i2c work but SPI not compiling,

DisplaySSD1306_128x64_SPI display(PA3,{-1, PA4, PA2, 0,-1,-1}); Showing Error "narrowing conversion of '196' from 'int' to 'int8_t' {aka 'signed char'} [-Wnarrowing] ".

lexus2k commented 3 years ago


Please, use Arduino environment pin numbers, but not STM32 pin id's. Arduino pin numbers start from 0, while STM32 pin id's start from 0xC0. Internally Arduino environment converts Arduino pins to your hardware platform.