lexus2k / lcdgfx

Driver for LCD displays running on Arduino/Avr/ESP32/Linux (including Rasperry) platforms
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SSD1351 OLED C issues #71

Open ITstreet1 opened 2 years ago

ITstreet1 commented 2 years ago

I have an OLED C from MikroE. This is an SSD1351 96X96 SPI display.

With these examples here, I get flipped text, or whatever. Besides library is written for 128x128 so I get an offset on the display. Is there any way of tweaking this library to make it work,

lexus2k commented 2 years ago

Hi, can you send me screenshots? Actually, it is possible to support 96x96 display, if you have some time to do the tests for me. Let me know

ITstreet1 commented 2 years ago

I have time, of course. Screenshots here?

ITstreet1 commented 2 years ago

`#include "lcdgfx.h"

include "lcdgfx_gui.h"

DisplaySSD1351_128x128x16_SPI display(34,{-1, 87, 7, 0,-1,-1}); uint8_t rotation = 0; void setup() { pinMode(27, OUTPUT); //EN //pinMode(55, OUTPUT); //R/W digitalWrite(27, HIGH); //digitalWrite(55, LOW); display.begin(); display.setFixedFont(ssd1306xled_font6x8);

display.fill( 0x0000 );

// display ); display.setFixedFont(ssd1306xled_font6x8); display.clear(); display.setColor(RGB_COLOR16(255,255,0)); display.printFixed(0, 8, "Normal text", STYLE_NORMAL); display.setColor(RGB_COLOR16(0,255,0)); display.printFixed(0, 16, "bold text?", STYLE_BOLD); display.setColor(RGB_COLOR16(0,255,255)); display.printFixed(0, 24, "Italic text?", STYLE_ITALIC); display.setColor(RGB_COLOR16(255,255,255)); display.invertColors(); display.printFixed(0, 32, "Inverted bold?", STYLE_BOLD); display.invertColors(); lcd_delay(3000); }

// the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() {

} ` This is just a strip-off of your example. And this is what I get

20211118_104259 :

As you can see RGB pattern is not good. There is an offset on the right and flip.

lexus2k commented 2 years ago


The DisplaySSD1351_128x128x16_SPI has getInterface().setRotation(), getInterface().setStartBlock() and getInterface().setRgbMode() methods. Can you play with them? Maybe there is something useful that will fix some of your issues.

Also, I found some link for your hardware: Is this the one you have?

ITstreet1 commented 2 years ago

Yup, that is the one. I forgot to put a link. Sry.

I will try and let you know. What about a different resolution? Can this be tweaked somehow?

ITstreet1 commented 2 years ago

Where can I find parameters for those methods? In an example, there is something like: display.getInterface().setRotation((++rotation) & 0x03); What is that HEX 0x03 for?

And besides, I need a flip, not rotation.

For that setStartBlock, I found nothing. There are so many files in this lib.

Is there a file with all available functions?

lexus2k commented 2 years ago

There is the link the documentation on the first github page.

Some links for you are below:

ITstreet1 commented 2 years ago

LOL, I miss that :)

setRgbeMode() fixed one issue.

Before I get into the offset problem, I should fix that flip. With setRotation() I can only rotate the display, but can not flip it back. Any help with this?

PS. Will the resolution of this display cause additional problems?

lexus2k commented 2 years ago

Since I don't have official datasheet for your display to understand how OLED display is connected to the display controller (that's not MCU), I can advise you to play with setRotation() implementation for ssd1351 display. Let me know how it goes.

    uint8_t ram_mode;
    if ( (rotation ^ m_rotation) & 0x01 )
    m_rotation = (rotation & 0x03);
    this->send( 0xA0 );
    switch ( m_rotation )
        case 0: // 0 degree CW
            ram_mode = 0b00110000; // Try change this to 0b00110010  or 0b00100000
        case 1: // 90 degree CW
            ram_mode = 0b00110011; // Try change this to 0b00110001 or 0b00100011
        case 2: // 180 degree CW
            ram_mode = 0B00100010; // Try change this to 0B00100000 or 0B00110010
        case 3: // 270 degree CW
            ram_mode = 0b00100001; // Try change this to 0b00100011 or 0b00110001
    setDataMode(1); // According to datasheet all args must be passed in data mode
    this->send( ram_mode | m_rgbMode );

Will the resolution of this display cause additional problems?

Definitely, not.

ITstreet1 commented 2 years ago

Maybe this will do any help:

I will try above and let you know.

ITstreet1 commented 2 years ago









Sketch as follows: `#include "lcdgfx.h"

include "lcdgfx_gui.h"

DisplaySSD1351_128x128x16_SPI display(34,{-1, 87, 7, 0,-1,-1}); void setup() { pinMode(27, OUTPUT); //EN //pinMode(55, OUTPUT); //R/W digitalWrite(27, HIGH); //digitalWrite(55, LOW); display.begin(); display.fill( 0x0000 ); display.getInterface().setRotation(0); display.setFixedFont(ssd1306xled_font6x8); display.getInterface().setRgbMode(0); display.clear(); display.setColor(RGB_COLOR16(255,0,0)); display.printFixed(0, 8, "Normal text", STYLE_NORMAL); display.setColor(RGB_COLOR16(0,255,0)); display.printFixed(0, 16, "bold text?", STYLE_BOLD); display.setColor(RGB_COLOR16(0,0,255)); display.printFixed(0, 24, "Italic text?", STYLE_ITALIC); display.setColor(RGB_COLOR16(255,255,255)); display.invertColors(); display.printFixed(0, 32, "Inverted bold?", STYLE_BOLD); display.invertColors(); lcd_delay(3000); }

// the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() {


That is the result.

ITstreet1 commented 2 years ago

As much I try these methods, it looks more and more that the image of this display is "running out" from the middle of the screen.

lexus2k commented 2 years ago

Maybe this will do any help:

That's what exactly I need. Thank you

That's why the display shifted, because of the connection lines between LCD controller and LCD matrix. They start from C32 in one axis, and from SA16 in other axis. I need to figure out, how to update the library to follow their datasheet. изображение

lexus2k commented 2 years ago

I made initial commit for your display. Now there is DisplaySSD1351_96x96x16_SPI() constructor available. However, you still need to do experiments with ram_mode values, I wrote above, and there is new function display.getInterface().setOffset(x,y). Please, try it.

ITstreet1 commented 2 years ago

When I replaced: DisplaySSD1351_128x128x16_SPI display(34,{-1, 87, 7, 0,-1,-1}); with this: DisplaySSD1351_96x96x16_SPI display(34,{-1, 87, 7, 0,-1,-1});

From this

20211130_162510 :

I get this: 20211130_162725

Everything else is the same as above. You can see that the red line of text has gone, and the bottom line has changed too. The white background becomes somewhat pink.

I didn't mention the connections. I use Flip&Click SAM3X and mikroBUS B. Here you can check all the data: And here are pin definitions:

Maybe you can find some additional issues.

ITstreet1 commented 2 years ago

Ok, I played with the values. So far, so good. With this sketch: `#include "lcdgfx.h"

include "lcdgfx_gui.h"

DisplaySSD1351_96x96x16_SPI display(34,{-1, 87, 7, 0,-1,-1}); //DisplaySSD1351_128x128x16_SPI display(34,{-1, 87, 7, 0,-1,-1}); void setup() { pinMode(27, OUTPUT); //EN //pinMode(55, OUTPUT); //R/W digitalWrite(27, HIGH); //digitalWrite(55, LOW); display.begin(); display.fill( 0x0000 ); display.getInterface().setRotation(0); display.getInterface().setOffset(16,16); //offset display.setFixedFont(ssd1306xled_font6x8); display.getInterface().setRgbMode(0); display.clear(); display.setColor(RGB_COLOR16(255,0,0)); display.printFixed(0, 8, "Normal text", STYLE_NORMAL); display.setColor(RGB_COLOR16(0,255,0)); display.printFixed(0, 16, "bold text?", STYLE_BOLD); display.setColor(RGB_COLOR16(0,0,255)); display.printFixed(0, 24, "Italic text?", STYLE_ITALIC); display.setColor(RGB_COLOR16(255,255,255)); display.invertColors(); display.printFixed(0, 32, "Inverted bold?", STYLE_BOLD); display.invertColors(); lcd_delay(3000); }

// the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() {


I get this:


It is well-positioned. Except it is flipped. The colors seem good, but this white background is somewhat pink. Now just to fix this flip effect and this white->pink (255,255,255)

lexus2k commented 2 years ago

Did you try to change ram_mode to new values?

    switch ( m_rotation )
        case 0: // 0 degree CW
            ram_mode = 0b00110000; // Try change this to 0b00110010  or 0b00100000
        case 1: // 90 degree CW
            ram_mode = 0b00110011; // Try change this to 0b00110001 or 0b00100011
        case 2: // 180 degree CW
            ram_mode = 0B00100010; // Try change this to 0B00100000 or 0B00110010
        case 3: // 270 degree CW
            ram_mode = 0b00100001; // Try change this to 0b00100011 or 0b00110001

Now just to fix this flip effect and this white->pink (255,255,255)

Can you send me the picture of the display set to white color? Just wonder, how the pink looks like. If you use 128x128 constructor do you still observe pink?

ITstreet1 commented 2 years ago

Ok, there is some progress...

Rotation 0

setRotation(0); setOffset(16,16); ram_mode = 0b00110010;

Everything is fine. That pink-white has lost. Now there is white as it should be.


Rotation 1

setRotation(1); setOffset(16,16); ram_mode = 0b00110001;

Here is everything ok, too.


Rotation 2

setRotation(2); setOffset(16,16); ram_mode = 0B00100000;

This does not work as it should.


setRotation(2); setOffset(16,32); ram_mode = 0B00100000;


setRotation(2); setOffset(16,-6); ram_mode = 0B00100000;


Only ram_mode = 0B00100000; fixes the flip. Just couldn't position the offset. Values for y above the 32 and below the -6 make no sense. Anything between doesn't fix it. You can see it in the pictures.

Value for x is ok, it positions the text correctly, but there is snow as you can see.

For rotation(3), it looks almost the same as for rotation(2).

This rotation(3) tests will follow later.

lexus2k commented 2 years ago

First, please try to set offset after display initialization, and then you will be able to rotate the display. The library must automatically recalculate required offset for COL/SEG lines.

    display.getInterface().setOffset(16,32); // I still believe there should be 16 and 32. Check the datasheet above
    display.getInterface().setRotation( NUMBER_FROM_0_TO_3 );
ITstreet1 commented 2 years ago

Ok With this:

#include "lcdgfx.h"
#include "lcdgfx_gui.h"
DisplaySSD1351_96x96x16_SPI display(34,{-1, 87, 7, 0,-1,-1});
void setup() {
  pinMode(27, OUTPUT); //EN
  //pinMode(55, OUTPUT); //R/W
  digitalWrite(27, HIGH);
  //digitalWrite(55, LOW);
    display.getInterface().setOffset(16,16); //offset 16,16 for rotation 0 and 1
    display.fill( 0x0000 );
    display.printFixed(0,  8, "Normal text", STYLE_NORMAL);
    display.printFixed(0, 16, "bold text?", STYLE_BOLD);
    display.printFixed(0, 24, "Italic text?", STYLE_ITALIC);
    display.printFixed(0, 32, "Inverted bold?", STYLE_BOLD);
void loop() {

I get the right position, colors, etc for Rotation 0 and 1. I posted the ram_mode above for those two. They are ok.

Rotations 2 and 3 can not be fixed. Flip is ok, RGB is ok, but the position is not. Just as I said above, values for y can go from -6 to 32 but I can not set it as it should be.


One weird thing for rotation 3:

setRotation(3); setOffset(16,32); ram_mode = 0b00100011;


setRotation(3); setOffset(16,48); ram_mode = 0b00100011;


As you can see, y=32 is "not enough" but if I go for y=48 I can get a text on the screen but there is snow. And x is not good. I will have to play a little bit with it.

lexus2k commented 2 years ago


I checked ssd1351 datasheet (, verified the code, and still didn't find the root case for the white noise on the last picture by you.

ITstreet1 commented 2 years ago

What do you suggest I should try?

ITstreet1 commented 2 years ago

I made initial commit for your display. Now there is DisplaySSD1351_96x96x16_SPI() constructor available. However, you still need to do experiments with ram_mode values, I wrote above, and there is new function display.getInterface().setOffset(x,y). Please, try it.


Can you please point me to these constructor parameters? There are some -1 values. I couldn't find out what they stand for. Say I want to connect this display to an SPI2, or maybe SPI3. What to change to point to other SPI than the default? So I would like to point SPI to other MOSI, MISO, and SCK. Is it posible?