lexus2k / lcdgfx

Driver for LCD displays running on Arduino/Avr/ESP32/Linux (including Rasperry) platforms
MIT License
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please add scl/sda comment for DisplaySSD1306_128x64_I2C display(-1); #73

Closed RoboDurden closed 2 years ago

RoboDurden commented 2 years ago

Please change

//DisplaySSD1306_128x64_I2C display(-1); // This line is suitable for most platforms by default


//DisplaySSD1306_128x64_I2C display(-1); // or (-1,{busId, addr, scl, sda, frequency});

It is so frustrating when you first have to search 30 minutes all your code to get the demo running. ESP32 here with custom sda and scl pins. thanks.

lexus2k commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm ok with the comment except the link. I prefer not to use direct links to the documentation, as the URL is generated automatically by the side tool.

RoboDurden commented 2 years ago

:-) Greetings from Germany.