lexus2k / lcdgfx

Driver for LCD displays running on Arduino/Avr/ESP32/Linux (including Rasperry) platforms
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how to clearRect or setColor on SSD1306 ?? #74

Open RoboDurden opened 3 years ago

RoboDurden commented 3 years ago

Sorry for another simple question :-/ Have found nothing in your nice

I only want to clear a small region like a clearRect(0,0,32,16); to prevent the flickering of display.clear();. Or is there a way to set the color to black like display.setColor(RGB_COLOR8(0,0,0)); ?

My workaround: display.printFixed(x, y, " ");

Thanks again :-)

lexus2k commented 3 years ago


I only want to clear a small region like a clearRect(0,0,32,16); to prevent the flickering of display.clear();. Or is there a way to set the color to black like display.setColor(RGB_COLOR8(0,0,0)); ?

The way for you is to use fillRect() and setColor() methods.

Best regards

RoboDurden commented 3 years ago

Thank you, this indeed works:


I had only tested this with no success:

      display.printFixed(x, y, s, STYLE_BOLD);

This however has an effect:

      display.printFixed(x, y, s, STYLE_BOLD);

That setColor(0) makes invertColors having no effect.

setColor(255) enables it again:

   display.printFixed(x, y, s, STYLE_BOLD);

So what confuses me is that this has no effect:

   display.printFixed(x, y, s, STYLE_BOLD);

So for printFixed, the setColor function is rather a setBackgroundColor. Whereas for fillRect the setColor function is setting the paint color.

It is still nice because printing text will overwrite the area anyway (which i had not been aware of and therefore wanted a clearRect). So no need to set background and forground color but one call to invertColor will do it.

A bit confusing but i have no idea for you how to do it better :-)