lexus2k / lcdgfx

Driver for LCD displays running on Arduino/Avr/ESP32/Linux (including Rasperry) platforms
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ESP8266 and ESP32 generic module connections #79

Closed star297 closed 2 years ago

star297 commented 2 years ago

I would love to use this but does anyone know how to connect it up?

Platform: ESP32 and ESP8266 generic modules. Arduino v1.8.13 Display: SSD1331 oled display(96x64) SPI mode.

This makes sense to me and works with my library on Mbed, I set my device up using this: ssd1331 oled(D8, D7, D10, D11, NC, D13); // cs, res, dc, SDA(mosi), (miso nc), sck (STM Arduino pin numbers)

But I don't understand this:

DisplaySSD1331_96x64x16_SPI display(4,{-1, -1, 5, 0,-1,-1}); // Use this line for ESP8266 Arduino style rst=4, CS=-1, DC=5 // And ESP8266 RTOS IDF. GPIO4 is D2, GPIO5 is D1 on NodeMCU boards

ESP8266: connect LCD to D1(D/C), D2(CS), RX(RES), D7(DIN), D5(CLK)

Do I specify the pin numbers here, if so which pins are for what function? (4,{-1, -1, 5, 0,-1,-1} I assume the -1 means NC (no connection) and the rest are the data connections? What does the '4' mean? ESP uses GPIO pin numbers, which pin numbers do I use and can I specify alternative pins?

Many thanks

lexus2k commented 2 years ago

According to the documentation DisplaySSD1331_96x64x16_SPI constructor has 2 parameters:

rstPin | pin controlling LCD reset (-1 if not used) -- | -- config | platform spi configuration. Please refer to SPlatformSpiConfig.

If you refer to SPlatformSpiConfig description:, you will find information on each structure field. Since default busId is VSPI_HOST, then you just need to use SPI pins related to VSPI_HOST according to the platform you have. You may specify exact pin numbers, you want to use, just check agains your dev.module pinout.

lexus2k commented 2 years ago


please check the latest master branch. It contains some changes for SPI displays.

lexus2k commented 2 years ago

Feel free to reopen

star297 commented 2 years ago

Thank you but I don't think you understand what I'm asking.

ESP uses GPIO pin numbers, which pin numbers do I use and can I specify alternative pins?

The ESP32 has flexible GPIO pin defines, so I can use any pin combination for 'most' functions. I want to set the GPIO pins of my Generic ESP32 module to the connect to the display.

ESP8266: connect LCD to D1(D/C), D2(CS), RX(RES), D7(DIN), D5(CLK) how does that corelate to: DisplaySSD1331_96x64x8_SPI display(4,{-1, -1, 5, 0,-1,-1});

Guessing at what you are indicating above, What does the '4' mean? Is it the RST pin?

Without trawling through loads of documentation is it possible for you to give me a simple example like this Adafruit example?

// LCD, any pins can be used
#define SHARP_SCK  14
#define SHARP_MOSI 26
#define SHARP_SS   12
// Set the size of the display here, e.g. 400x240
Adafruit_SharpMem display(SHARP_SCK, SHARP_MOSI, SHARP_SS, 400, 240);

Or do I override the default pins and also set SPI frequency in: display.begin();

lexus2k commented 2 years ago

ESP uses GPIO pin numbers, which pin numbers do I use and can I specify alternative pins?

It depends on the hardware you use. So, yes, you can specify alternative pins.

ESP8266: connect LCD to D1(D/C), D2(CS), RX(RES), D7(DIN), D5(CLK) how does that corelate to: DisplaySSD1331_96x64x8_SPI display(4,{-1, -1, 5, 0,-1,-1});

From my post above: please refer to the documentation. it describes the fields of SPlatformSpiConfig structure. According to the documentation DisplaySSD1331_96x64x16_SPI constructor has 2 parameters:

rstPin | pin controlling LCD reset (-1 if not used) -- | -- config | platform spi configuration. Please refer to SPlatformSpiConfig.

If you refer to SPlatformSpiConfig description:, you will find information on each structure field.

Without trawling through loads of documentation is it possible for you to give me a simple example like this Adafruit example?

I pointed the exact link to the information you need above. And here is below part of ssd1331_demo code:

// The parameters are  RST pin, BUS number, CS pin, DC pin, FREQ (0 means default), CLK pin, MOSI pin
DisplaySSD1331_96x64x8_SPI display(3,{-1, 4, 5, 0,-1,-1}); // Use this line for Atmega328p
//DisplaySSD1331_96x64x8_SPI display(4,{-1, -1, 5, 0,-1,-1});  // Use this line for ESP8266 Arduino style rst=4, CS=-1, DC=5
                                                             // And ESP8266 RTOS IDF. GPIO4 is D2, GPIO5 is D1 on NodeMCU boards
star297 commented 2 years ago

Found you had a ESP32 set up here:

Used this in the ssd1331 8 and 16bit demo and is working.

//  ESP32: connect LCD  gpio23(DIN/SDA), gpio18(CLK)                                                            
DisplaySSD1331_96x64x16_SPI display(22,{-1, 5, 21, 0,-1,-1}); // Use this line for ESP32 (VSPI)  (gpio22=RST, gpio5=CE for VSPI, gpio21=D/C

{-1, 5, 21, 0,-1,-1}

I assume this translates to:

SPI channel, (-1) = default SPI0 (VSPI) CE or CS = 5 DC = 21 SPI frequency (0) = (platform or display maximum default) SPI CLK (-1) = platform default (18) SPI MOSI (-1) = platform default(23)

Many thanks