lexus2k / ssd1306

Driver for SSD1306, SSD1331, SSD1351, IL9163, ILI9341, ST7735, PCD8544, Nokia 5110 displays running on Arduino/ESP32/Linux (Rasperry) platforms
MIT License
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Can this be used on Linux? #135

Closed sgjava closed 2 years ago

sgjava commented 2 years ago

Specifically Armbian?? Do you need to provide your own I2C and SPI implementations?

lexus2k commented 2 years ago

Hi Steven,

Yes, you can use the library in linux. Current implementation supports i2cdev and spidev modules. From the main page: изображение

sgjava commented 2 years ago

So I just run make from project root? GCC?? This would be on Armbian and a NanoPI Duo (ARM32 5.x kernel).

lexus2k commented 2 years ago

Yes, you can run make as:

make -C ../src -f Makefile.linux

sgjava commented 2 years ago

OK, so I ran that from tools and it looks like object files are in bld. Does it create any executables? I assume you set pin numbers somewhere? Sorry for so many questions. I'll get it down at some point.

lexus2k commented 2 years ago

Maybe, you will find useful information on this page:

Does it create any executables?

Yes, it does. Please check ./bld directory

sgjava commented 2 years ago

OK, simulator up and running, thanks.

lexus2k commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the feedback However, I agree that the sysfs API is outdated and I need to switch to newer API in Linux.

sgjava commented 2 years ago

So I'm want to wrap your library in JNI for Java similar to U8g2, but I'm trying to get it setup in Eclipse (just to compile the C stuff). What IDE are you using for dev? Do you have instructions for devs? I already switched U8g2 arm-linux to the userspace APIs

lexus2k commented 2 years ago

I do not use any IDE for this project. However it has Makefile and CMakeLists.txt files. And I think those files should be enough for IDE like Eclipse (,

sgjava commented 2 years ago

I figured you had your own build system :) I'll look at Makefile. By default Eclipse tried to run "all" target and it cannot find that in root Makefile. I build the arm-linux port of U8g2 in Eclipse C project. Let me poke around.

sgjava commented 2 years ago

OK got it, had to pass -C src -f Makefile.linux in the args, but now I can build in Eclipse. Next I need to figure out how to change pins for my SBC.

sgjava commented 2 years ago

OK, I see where you are using __KERNEL__ for the IO stuff. platform.c should be pretty easy to convert. Let me test it as is first once I figure out how to run hello world on my board. For now I can compile and edit under x86 Ubuntu.

sgjava commented 2 years ago

OK, got ./ -p linux -f demos/ssd1306_demo to run on Pine A64 with I2C display. Guess I didn't have to define pins since it's using hardware I2C. One thing nice about U8g2 is you can drive I2C and SPI using software (bit banging GPIO pins). I just need to figure out how to get this all building in Eclipse.