lf- / ShortcutItPy

[UNMAINTAINED but probably works] Fusion 360 add-in to make it possible to add shortcuts for things that previously could not be shortcut
MIT License
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Isolate bodies in components #5

Open KostlivtsevVadim opened 3 years ago

KostlivtsevVadim commented 3 years ago

Hello! Thanks for all your work on the ShortcutIt Add-in. Is it possible to make Isolate/Unisolate work for solids, that located in components, paranted to the root component? Because when you isolate such types of solids, that isolate whole comonent that includes this body.

lf- commented 3 years ago

I don't know. Unfortunately I'm on Linux these days and haven't touched Fusion in about a year. If you can find the command that does the thing you want, it should be fairly simple to add it to this add-in. If there's not a command, then that's outside the scope of this tool's capabilities.