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Access to Github Actions large runners #146

Open annetill opened 1 week ago

annetill commented 1 week ago

For Powsybl project, we need native build for some parts of the library (powsybl-open-loadlfow and pypowsybl). We already support Linux 64, Windows 64 and MacOS AMD 64. In addition, many of our users request a MacOS ARM 64 support because it is the processors architecture for all new MacOS machines since three years. The only way to access to a build for MacOS ARM 64 is through Github Action Xlarge runners, which is a non-free service.

For more information: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/using-github-hosted-runners/about-larger-runners/about-larger-runners

eroussy commented 4 days ago


This is also a need we share for the SEAPATH project. In order to complete our CI process, we need to build the entire SEAPATH operating system. We have made some benchmarks to determine the resources required, and we need about 500 GB of storage, 32 GB of RAM, and 8 cores. Such specifications are only available on large GitHub runners.