lf-lang / lingua-franca

Intuitive concurrent programming in any language
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Modal model without cyclic dependencies is rejected because cyclic dependencies #2364

Open NiklasRentzCAU opened 2 months ago

NiklasRentzCAU commented 2 months ago

The following model is seen by LF to have cyclic dependencies, whereas the modes break that cycle and the model should be accepted instead.

target C

reactor R {
  input in: bool
  output out: bool

  reaction(in) -> out {=
    lf_set(out, 0.0f);


main reactor {
  r = new R()

  initial mode A {

    reaction(r.out) {==}

  mode B {
    reaction(startup) -> r.in {=
      lf_set(r.in, true)



Both modes are unconnected and it can never be the case that the reaction in mode A happens in the same tick before the reaction in mode B.