lfarci / github-actions

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Identify the best practices for distributing custom actions #55

Closed lfarci closed 4 months ago

lfarci commented 4 months ago

Here are some best practices for distributing custom GitHub Actions:

Documentation: Provide clear and comprehensive documentation in your README file. This should include what the action does, how to use it, what the inputs and outputs are, and an example of the action in a workflow.

Versioning: Use semantic versioning for your action. This makes it easier for users to understand what changes have been made in each version and whether those changes are likely to break their workflows.

Testing: Test your action thoroughly before distributing it. This includes testing it in different workflows and on different types of runners.

Error Handling: Make sure your action handles errors gracefully and provides clear error messages. This will make it easier for users to troubleshoot when things go wrong.

Security: Keep your action secure. This includes not hardcoding sensitive information in your action and regularly updating your action's dependencies to avoid security vulnerabilities.

Licensing: Choose an appropriate license for your action. This determines how others can use and contribute to your action.

Support: Be prepared to provide support for your action. This includes responding to issues and pull requests in a timely manner.

Continuous Integration: Set up a CI workflow to automatically test your action whenever changes are made. This helps catch issues early and ensures your action is always working as expected.

Keep It Small and Focused: Each action should do one thing and do it well. This makes your action easier to use and understand.

Use Descriptive Names and Labels: The name and labels of your action should clearly describe what the action does. This makes it easier for users to find and understand your action.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your action is reliable, easy to use, and provides value to other developers.