lfbortoletto / social-stressor

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buildPreprocessed function needs another function to work - MakeFilter #5

Closed biiyukari closed 1 month ago

biiyukari commented 1 month ago

When I run the code it appears: Unrecognized function or variable 'MakeFilter'.

Error in hmrBandpassFiltLOB (line 38) [fb,fa] = MakeFilter(FilterType,FilterOrder,fs,lpf,'low');

Error in buildPreprocessed>PreProcessFinometer (line 111) filtHR = hmrBandpassFiltLOB(yqHR, physiology.PreProcParams.fSample, bpf.HR(1), bpf.HR(2));

Error in buildPreprocessed>PreprocessPhysiology (line 74) [physiology] = PreProcessFinometer(physiology, finometer, nirs);

Error in buildPreprocessed (line 17) PreprocessPhysiology(rawPath, preprocPath, dataName);

lfbortoletto commented 1 month ago

I opened a new pull request (PR) to fix this issue. Please, check the updates and allow merge afterwards.

Let me know if the error persists. Otherwise, you can close this issue.