lfender6445 / gulp-release-tasks

release tasks for use w gulp, node, and or bower
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Invalid gulp tag versioning #2

Open marek-ganko opened 9 years ago

marek-ganko commented 9 years ago

gulp tag isn't working properly. What he is doing is:

  1. bump the version in bower.json to 0.1.1
  2. git commit -am '...' bower.json file
  3. git tag v0.1.1
  4. git push --tag

On the result, version in bower.json is:

To fix this, you should push the commit after second step, so newly created tag will have the same version as it has in bower.json. This behavior is crucial if you publish bower package.

nfantone commented 9 years ago

IMHO, this plugin is conceptually wrong. You should tag the repository with the current version (on either bower.json or package.json, or both), push it (by means of git push origin <tagname>) and then bump it for the next development iteration. What is currently doing is not very useful in a real scenario.

marek-ganko commented 9 years ago

I've managed my own solution: https://github.com/marek-ganko/jspm-todo-module/blob/master/gulpfile.js#L145-L193

@nfantone imagine that you are starting a new project. Are you creating a new tag for it? Everything on development side is happening on a branch level (see git flow)

nfantone commented 9 years ago

I'm sorry, @marek-ganko, I don't think I'm following you. Tags are created after a release. As per a traditional gitflow workflow, a release happens when a release branch is merged into master. So, if I were to create a new project, I would have a develop and master branch, both declaring some initial version of the application (say, 1.0.0 on package.json). You start working on that version. When the time for the first release comes, you tag the repo 1.0.0 and bump the version to whatever is next (1.0.1, for instance).

You can check out the jgit-flow maven plugin, that does exactly what I'm describing for JAVA projects.

marek-ganko commented 9 years ago

JGit-Flow is a JAVA implementation of Vincent Driessen's branching model. - and this branching model says exactly what I've implemented: http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/#creating-a-release-branch

According to http://semver.org/ every number has it's meaning, and there is no way that You will know what version You will need in the next release while making the current one.

In my case there is a Jenkins job which is linked with master branch and it is triggered manually with a proper flag (major, minor or patch) dependent on the current release (if it's compatible or not). IMO starting your app from version 1.0.0 is not a good idea becouse you might need a pre release without some functionalities.

Please have in mind that I'm talking about maintaining a library which is deployed via bower registry, and in that case GIT tags/branches == package version. With that you can use: "your-lib": "^1.2.3", "your-lib": "1.x" or even "your-lib": "develop".

nfantone commented 9 years ago

There are as many so called "gitflows" as there are git committers. But I'm sure we are talking about the same things here, just from a different interpretation or wording:

there is no way that You will know what version You will need in the next release

I beg to defer. Continuous delivery shows otherwise. There are many open source projects that work that way. Take a look at Gitlab. They have a current release, and their CHANGELOG states features not for one, but sometimes for two or three future, numbered, releases. And this is just one random example from the internet.

However, if you really can't say a thing about your next version, there's nothing prohibiting you from numbering or naming it whatever you feel it's appropriate at the time of bumping.

IMO starting your app from version 1.0.0 is not a good idea becouse you might need a pre release without some functionalities.

You can start your project from any version you like. npm init creates a package.json with 1.0.0 as "version", by default; bower init uses 0.0.0. The simplest archetypes of maven, declares an empty pom.xml with 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT as its version during the creation of a new project. Of course, you can change all of those, but all are pretty common practices.

And a "pre-release" is just a release, in light of the workflow.

astamato commented 9 years ago

Wow, @nfantone, pretty nice and clear. I couldnt have said it better myself. I agree with you. We're developing an Android major mobile app, and we already know what out next production version will be (now it's 3.7.0, next 3.8.0) in fact, jenkins generated apks are already tagged something as "myapp_3.8.0_etc.apk", and, in case we need to release a quick hot fix in production, we know the name that version will have too (eg 3.7.2, 3.7.3, etc.)