lfeutre / lmud

An Erlang and LFE MUD/MUSH Server.
24 stars 9 forks source link

Explore streaming music #70

Open oubiwann opened 1 year ago

oubiwann commented 1 year ago

If we wrote our own MUD client, we could stream music from the server to the player, so rooms could have ambient sounds (or even game soundtracks).

Would love to skip the browser and instead have a client that plays on system sound (maybe via SDL?). Will update this description with Erlang stream music projects, as I find them:

Oh, and the classics:

Come to think of it, if we use a classic like icecast, we wouldn't have to build anything at all, a game would just need to run a streaming server (with stations for every room/zone that had music) and support updating a player's stream based upon their current room ...

oubiwann commented 1 year ago


oubiwann commented 1 year ago
