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setup-a-network-share-via-samba-on-your-raspberry-pi/ #2

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

Share an external USB drive via Samba on your Raspberry Pi | Michael Lefkowitz

Over this past weekend, I finally setup a network share via Samba on my Raspberry Pi with an old external USB hard drive I had laying around…


Le-Juan commented 3 years ago

Thanks! It works.... kinda.... I can access my files via my android phone (using mx player), but I can't access it via my windows pc... Any ideas on how to fix this?

velafamily commented 3 years ago

Tutorial no good. I'm also unable to access via Windows.

embeddedmz commented 3 years ago

Thanks. And I got it working with Windows but I used another embedded system : in the explorer, type your board address like this : \your_board_ip\

embeddedmz commented 3 years ago

In my previous comment, there's a missing backslash in the address at the beginning (removed by the comment system).

DrVeryEvil commented 3 years ago

I have been successful with your instructions, on sharing a hard drive connected to a Raspberry Pi. I can reach it with ssh from another raspberry pi, I just need to know how to mount this NAS from another Raspberry Pi.

magsmanston commented 3 years ago

I had issues getting it to work on win10 initially. Then I noticed the guide assumes you have a /share/ subdirectory or at least an ext4 formatted USB drive. In my NTFS formatted HDD this didn't work. I solved this by just sharing the root of the drive ( so pointing to "/media/USBHDD" in the path = line (as in path = "media/USBHDD") )

magsmanston commented 3 years ago

Sorry - I also added the browseable = yes line.

aModernGirlMakes commented 3 years ago

I am hoping this will let me share the drive on my embroidery machine. It mounts like a USB drive on my Mac and RPi. 🤞🏻

JackTrex commented 3 years ago

For those who are using Microsoft products, you have to install SMB v1.0 from the Enable features in the control panel, and BOOM it works.

MuhammadYacoub commented 3 years ago

i can't access from windows and iOS, windows feature enabled but whin i remove the USB it access but by logic no data

jenski commented 2 years ago

works for me. sonos can read the files on raspi usb. tnx for the write up! :+1:

Ajan commented 2 years ago

Out of all the webpages that I've scrolled through! This one explains it perfectly. Thank you so much!

SXRguyinMA commented 1 year ago

I got this working, I mapped the network drive and I can access it via explorer. However I'm trying to use it for File History and Windows won't let me use the drive!

SpiderJonny commented 6 months ago

Why is the path in

path = "/media/USBHDD/share"

in double-quotes?

None of the other paths in smb.conf (which are already there) are double-quoted - e.g.

log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m and
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
