lfos / calcurse

A text-based calendar and scheduling application
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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question: multiple calendars in calcurse-caldav #396

Open ruben-s opened 3 years ago

ruben-s commented 3 years ago


In the calcurse-caldav script I see in the function def get_etags(conn, hrefs=[]): that there is an array passed with hrefs. And also a bit lower a loop: 'for href in hrefs:'

Question: Is href a single event url or is it multiple paths from the config file, each containing a different calendar (on the same server, like I have set-up on a radicale server)?

Is it possible to specify multiple paths/calendars in the config file? What should the format in the config file be? I tried looking at the configparser code, but could not really understand.


br, Ruben

molekular commented 3 years ago

See #189 - right now it is not possible to sync multipe caldav calendars.