lfranke / TRIPS

MIT License
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Trouble getting the viewer to work via the docker installation #30

Open rowellz opened 4 months ago

rowellz commented 4 months ago

Thank you guys for sharing your awesome work here! I have created & collected quite a few Gaussian splats and am very eager to generate some Trilinear Point Splats with the same assets. I’ve been trying to get the TRIPS repo running via the Docker installation, and have gotten pretty close after a few tweaks, but the Saiga viewer window ends up closing shortly after it appears on the host machine, and the docker container logs this error out:

Load Checkpoint pose
First pose before SE3(Quatwxyz(0.984287,-0.0118274,-0.174542,0.0239534),Vec3(0.811265,0.401157,4.70207))
First pose after SE3(Quatwxyz(0.984287,-0.0118274,-0.174542,0.0239534),Vec3(0.811265,0.401157,4.70207))
Load Checkpoint intrinsics
Load Checkpoint vignette
Load Checkpoint response
Load Checkpoint white balance
Load Checkpoint exposures_values
Loaded Neural Scene.
Assertion 'cudaGraphicsGLRegisterImage(&graphic_resource, gl_buffer, gl_target, cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsSurfaceLoadStore) == cudaSuccess' failed!
  File: /app/External/saiga/src/saiga/cuda/interop.h:72
  Function: void Saiga::CUDA::Interop::initImage(unsigned int, gl::GLenum)
  Message: OS call failed or operation not supported on this OS
Aborted (core dumped)

and here is a clip of it for some context:

Screencast from 02-24-2024 10:56:19 AM.webm

I have a fair amount of experience with Docker, but this is the first time I am trying to share a GUI between the host and container, and am not sure what to make of this error. Also, I am,running an RTX 3060 12 GB, which I think is probably why I had to make a small tweak to the Dockerfile in order for the image to build on my host. If anyone can provide some advice that would be great! I'll post back here if I get it running.

abecadel commented 3 months ago

hi Can you check on this branch (notice slight change in the command in Readme) - https://github.com/lfranke/TRIPS/pull/44