lfranke / TRIPS

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webbased viewer for TRIPS? #43

Closed comsyspro closed 3 months ago

comsyspro commented 3 months ago

will you also develop a webbased viewer for TRIPS?

here is an example how you can navigate photorealistic 3d scenes supporting different browsers and devices: https://smerf-3d.github.io/ https://github.com/smerf-3d/smerf-3d.github.io

lfranke commented 3 months ago

That would be very cool, however I think I will not have time unfortunately

comsyspro commented 3 months ago

i would be very happy if there was a solution for this. we are working on scalable gpu cluster infrastructures and a web-based viewer like this could open up completely new areas of application. please let me know if you can provide a solution for this or if we can support you in any way. thank you.