lfryc / jsfunitng

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Support for inner/anonymous classes #5

Open lfryc opened 12 years ago

lfryc commented 12 years ago

These can't be supported right now, since they bears dependency on top-level class, which is not serializable by default.

This class could be serialized when de-injected (like in [1]).

But the top-level class still imports APIs which are not available on server classpath.

The proposed API: https://gist.github.com/2569612

[1] https://github.com/lfryc/jsfunitng/blob/master/src/main/java/org/jboss/arquillian/warp/test/LifecycleTestDeenricher.java

lfryc commented 12 years ago

We could solve the issue by forcing client to use only APIs of client tools (like selenium-api) and package them to the WAR.

lfryc commented 12 years ago

Is it possible to make anonymous classes static? -> No http://stackoverflow.com/questions/758570/is-it-possible-to-make-anonymous-inner-classes-in-java-static