lfz / DSB2017

The solution of team 'grt123' in DSB2017
MIT License
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我不清楚数据预处理这段理解对不对? #9

Closed mjiansun closed 7 years ago

mjiansun commented 7 years ago

你好,lfz。我不知道你们对数据预处理具体怎么做的,下面是我的理解,不知道和你们理解的一不一样。如果不一样望指出区别! 原文: All data are resized to 1x1x1 mm, the luminance is clipped between -1200 and 600, scaled to 0-255 and converted to uint8. A mask that include the lungs is calculated, luminance of every pixel outside the mask is set to 170. (1)将体素转变为1x1x1 (2)保留原图像上-1200到600区间内的亮度值,将小于-1200的值全都变成-1200,大于600的值全都变成600? (3)然后将图像的体素值同比放缩到0-255,然后使用uint8将体素中的小数转成整数 (4)找出肺部区域,最后对肺部之外的体素值全都设为170

lfz commented 7 years ago
