lgallard / qBittorrent-Controller

qBittorrent Controller - An Android app for controlling qBittorrent servers
MIT License
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Unknown issue. http auth how to set username & password. #286

Open lroyb opened 12 months ago

lroyb commented 12 months ago

I'm having an issue when I'm not on my local network I cannot connect at all.

Setup: I use http auth on a nginx reverse proxy to forward requests to my qbittorrent server.

Issue(s) : When I try and connect through qbitcontroller it just shows a spinning circle; When I try with chrome, I can get to the login page, but the username & password that I use to login are always incorrect.

I'm not sure if it's an issue with my setup or the way my phone tries to connect, when I'm not at home, when I'm at home the http auth directive is told to bypass the auth