lgatto / MSnbase

Base Classes and Functions for Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics
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filter by filterstring #504

Closed tekitch closed 4 years ago

tekitch commented 4 years ago


I'm hoping to make a mzml file in which subsequent boxcar scans are summed into a single spectra - I have this part working ok, but mixed into the file I output is ms scan data which I would like to remove from the mzml (otherwise the scan and boxcar data is lumped together when extracting EICs). I would like to subset spectra in the msnexp object on the 'filterString' which distinguishes the two types of MS data but the there isn't an appropriate filter method that i can see. How can i achieve this?

very much appreciate your attention.


tekitch commented 4 years ago

not an issue after all.

lgatto commented 4 years ago

See https://github.com/lgatto/msnbase_boxcar