lgatto / ProteomicsAnnotationHubData

Annotation hub data for proteomics data
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Metadata requirements #9

Closed lgatto closed 9 years ago

lgatto commented 9 years ago

From the vignette

@sonali-bioc before checking the issues for the individual files, could you check the following, to make sure I got it right.

sonali-bioc commented 9 years ago

@lgatto - yes the above is correct. Only change to Recipe is that it is not necessary to create the original data into compatible R/Bioconductor. For some fasta files, the recipe function uses Rsamtools::indexFa to create an index file for this fasta files. But most of the times, it is true.

lgatto commented 9 years ago


sonali-bioc commented 9 years ago

FYI - Title looks good now..

Did not want to pollute the other issues - so adding it here.

> library(AnnotationHub)
> ah = AnnotationHub()
updating AnnotationHub metadata: retrieving 1 resource
  |======================================================================| 100%
snapshotDate(): 2015-07-30
There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
> length(ah)
[1] 34809
> tail(ah)
AnnotationHub with 6 records
# snapshotDate(): 2015-07-30
# $dataprovider: PRIDE, ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene/DATA/
# $species: Erwinia carotovora, Lactobacillus jensenii_JV-V16, Methanocaldoc...
# $rdataclass: OrgDb, AAStringSet, MSnSet, mzRident, mzRpwiz
# additional mcols(): taxonomyid, genome, description, tags, sourceurl,
#   sourcetype
# retrieve records with, e.g., 'object[["AH49004"]]'

  AH49004 | org.Methanocaldococcus_infernus_ME.eg.sqlite
  AH49005 | org.Lactobacillus_jensenii_JV-V16.eg.sqlite
  AH49006 | PXD000001: Erwinia carotovora and spiked-in protein fasta file
  AH49007 | PXD000001: Peptide-level quantitation data
  AH49008 | PXD000001: raw mass spectrometry data
  AH49009 | PXD000001: MS-GF+ identiciation data
lgatto commented 9 years ago
