lgatto / pRoloc

A unifying bioinformatics framework for organelle proteomics
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Code Review helper functions TAGM #117

Open ococrook opened 5 years ago

ococrook commented 5 years ago

Review code pushed in https://github.com/lgatto/pRoloc/commit/e4e45cac1bd50c1d89c05d3fdb3fbf6ea670a5dd

current location https://github.com/lgatto/pRoloc/blob/master/R/machinelearning-functions-tagm-mcmc-helper.R

lgatto commented 5 years ago

@ococrook I think it would be good to avoid accessing slots directly, such as params@posteriors@logposterior when plotting the log-poster at each iteration of the EM algorithm. There is also burntagmE14@chains@chains for which we already have an accessor. Any other examples you can think of?