lgessler / mala

Map of Applications for Linguistic Annotation
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[Request] Add application: TrEd out of Prague #6

Open Abhishek-P opened 1 week ago

Abhishek-P commented 1 week ago
  1. App name: TrEd
  2. Release year: Don't now yet
  3. Icon (if available):
  4. Screenshot (if available): https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/sites/default/files/tool_screenshots/tred.png
  5. Link to paper (if available):
  6. Link to code if open source, or webpage if not: https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/tred/
  7. Supported data types:
  8. Supported import formats: To be added
  9. Supported export formats: To be added
  10. Availability (open-source, closed-source, or commercial): open-source with binary
  11. Short summary (no more than 180 characters): From the website TrEd is a fully customizable and programmable graphical editor and viewer for tree-like structures. Among other projects, it was used as the main annotation tool for syntactical and tectogrammatical annotations in The Prague Dependency Treebank, as well as for decision-tree based morphological annotation of The Prague Arabic Dependency Treebank.
Abhishek-P commented 1 week ago

I will be working on finding the info and making the json as per the format